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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Guest Wed 05 Sep 2012, 10:49

I'm sorry if this is the the right place to ask this, but I used to use my actual base game disc and then use torrent expansions with it, but my disk broke and I got a digital download copy of the base game for free. The problem is with Origin, it doesn't have the files in a folder to put any cracks or anything. Is it possible to use origin and torrents together? Also, I can't exactly download torrents anymore, I don't know if Comcast tracks about Pirate Bay or if it was Frostwire but every time I downloaded a torrent (started from late last year), my father would get an email telling him what torrent was downloaded and Comcast was threatening to cancel our membership if it happens again. (This happened twice) I don't know how to get around that. I uninstalled frostwire.

I hope my question was clear. I'm not exactly sure how more to explain other than if I can use torrent games with the digital download or will I have to download the torrent of the base game? (I have in the past, but it seemed to give me a lot of problems) bounce


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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 05 Sep 2012, 11:01


Yes that's no problem, you just need to look for the directory to copy the crack to in Program Files\Origin\The Sims 3 in stead of Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3.
Comcast is particularly nasty when it comes to torrents, or so I've heard.
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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Guest Wed 05 Sep 2012, 11:05

Thanks so much! And yes they are. I never had a problem until the end of last year. I have one more question I noticed the download has an option for anonymous download what does that exactly mean? (I haven't visited TPB in a while) lol


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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 05 Sep 2012, 11:06


I'm not sure, Admin will know, but he won't be back for a few hours I think.
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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Guest Wed 05 Sep 2012, 11:08

Okay Smile


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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Admin Wed 05 Sep 2012, 17:35

Hello there,

I saw that option tomorrow.
Is it still up?
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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Dracos66 Wed 05 Sep 2012, 17:38

Admin wrote:Hello there,

I saw that option tomorrow.
Is it still up?

Tomorrow huh? I thought you didn't play Sims 3 anymore, sounds like your seeing into the future so... are you sure your not a genie? Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? 294340757
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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

Post by Admin Wed 05 Sep 2012, 18:26

Dracos66 wrote:
Admin wrote:Hello there,

I saw that option tomorrow.
Is it still up?

Tomorrow huh? I thought you didn't play Sims 3 anymore, sounds like your seeing into the future so... are you sure your not a genie? Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? 294340757

Lol, I meant "this morning", I saw it this morning, when uploading The Sims 3: Supernatural.
I am genius though. Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? 2279017149
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Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin? Empty Re: Can I install a torrent if I have the base game from Origin?

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