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weird glich black landscape

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weird glich black landscape Empty weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 20:33

hi all i have this weird crazy glich where lookin at the world or map view the ground is all
black i can see the lots an stuff an the game works well other that this

here my problem or glich an it makes it hard to pick a good spot to live Sad

weird glich black landscape 5lza4h

i can see far away if i click zoom but i have to already be in game for that

weird glich black landscape Akaiq1
weird glich black landscape 1pgn4l

i have an ok gaming pc

You Have: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz

CPU Speed
You Have: 2.4 GHz Performance Rated at: 5.28 GHz

You Have: 3.1 GB

Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition

Video Card
You Have: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

You Have
Video RAM 2.2 GB
Pixel Shader version 5.0

edit i forgot to say this

could realy use some help i have one more thing my ingame options never seem to work right if i change a setting it does not stay an i do click apply the check mark thing


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Thu 06 Sep 2012, 21:09

Are you using any mods or cc?
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 22:16

not using any cc that i know of an mods i got are


Dance Rug



Skull_Skeleton Motocrcle_lhawk07








i did move all mods outta the folder an tryed the game but it still the same thing


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Dracos66 Thu 06 Sep 2012, 22:24

Are the mods your using all up to date?

Specifically the following mods:


Dance Rug



Skull_Skeleton Motocrcle_lhawk07




If they aren't, or you don't know for sure, try copying them to a safe place and then removing them from the mods folder before launching the game again. Also make sure to delete the scriptCache.package file so that the game generates a new one.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Thu 06 Sep 2012, 23:10

ok i never deleted the scriptCache.package b4 so i moved all mods out an deleted that file but still no joy same thing happens

i just installed the game an i was pritty sure the mods i had were ok to use with the new update 1.38


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Dracos66 Fri 07 Sep 2012, 01:53

OK, try this. Make a copy of your save game(s) to a safe place then delete the following folder: My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3

Relaunch the game and give it a few minutes to re-create the Sims 3 folder, then go into the game and create a new one. If you want you can save the new game with your save game's name as once we see if this fixed the map/world view you can copy your save game back and overwrite when prompted.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 04:37

ok i deleted my sims3 folder from my documents an did what you said but still no joy.. so i uninstalled sims 3 base game an checked yes to remove all saves and content, then reinstalled base game an started a new game but still it has the same problem


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 05:01

Just a suggestion, have you tried going to the AMD website and downloading the auto detect and install, to check and install new graphic card driver updates? If you haven't just try it, check in game for the issue, if it doesn't happen then great, if it still happens then post back.

Also, if you notice any glitches/bad graphics after updating your drivers (that's if they're not already up to date) just post back that the update made things worst, and if you don't know how to roll it back, just say and we'll post how. Smile


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 05:10

yes im upto date using 12.8 released aug 31 2012

also i notice when i look in my options.ini its pritty empty

fullscreen = 1

pseudoresolution = 0,0

lastdevice = 0;1002;68be;1140

resolution = 1024 768 0

showncardnotrecognizedwarning = 1

shouldnt there be a hole lot more in there


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 05:15

xog420 wrote:yes im upto date using 12.8 released aug 31 2012

also i notice when i look in my options.ini its pritty empty

fullscreen = 1

pseudoresolution = 0,0

lastdevice = 0;1002;68be;1140

resolution = 1024 768 0

showncardnotrecognizedwarning = 1

shouldnt there be a hole lot more in there

Sadly I'm not on my PC that has Sims 3 installed, so I can't confirm exactly what should be in that folder. However just curious as to whether you've tried playing in windowed mode and/or if this has made a difference?

/EDIT: Just wondering does this issue occur in ALL towns you have? Or just sunlit tides? Please try playing Sunset valley or another town to see if it occurs.


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 05:33

ya its all towns an window mode is the same problem

on a side note i tryed to run ts3.exe with windows xp service pack 2 mode.. etc none seem to help


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:00

Do you just have the base game? If so, the crack that's provided by games4theworld will not work with your game. If that's the case, please follow the instructions here. DO NOT skip any of the steps. Smile

And yes, your Options file should definitely have a lot more in it than that.

Last edited by invalidusername on Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:02; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Another thought)
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:18

well right now yes i only have the base game cuzz i just uninstalled it all an all my dloads are from G4TW

i just using the crack from the cd atm

yes i did follow that post when i had all ep an sp installed

just trying to get the base game to work proper atm

can u upload me the options.ini ?

Last edited by xog420 on Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:20; edited 1 time in total


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:19

The crack from the cd?
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:22

yes the crack from the The_Sims_3_Disk_1.iso its in the folder on that disk


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 06:30

Alright. If you say so, I believe you lol Smile

Honestly though, I think that might be where part of your problem is. I'd recommend installing at least one of the expansions supported by the crack so you could try the game with that.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 07:12

ok installed supernatural an aplyed crack but still no joy


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 07:15

on a side note i am on the list of suported gfx cards

Windows Supported Video Cards

ATI Radeon(TM) / Mobility Radeon(TM) series

5145, 5165, 5450, 5570, 5650, 5730, 5750, 5770, 5830, 5850, 5870

also noticed i can not change any of the settings in options menu

it very strange my old pc that was built in 2001 could run this game

but my new pc with way better parts can not so frustrating


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Fri 07 Sep 2012, 08:02

That is really strange.. It kind of scares me, because I'm getting a new computer soon. :l

But anyways. Does it only do this in that world? Or is it any of them? Because that is definitely an added in world, so if it's just in that one, it could be something with the download went wrong.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Fri 07 Sep 2012, 08:06

yes it does it on all worlds


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Sat 08 Sep 2012, 13:21

so i found this problem on youtube the guy in the vid is well i wont even go there!! tho he does this on win8

an im still on win7

but 2:00min into the video is the same options trouble i have, an 4:50min in he has the same gfx

problem as my first pic with the glich.

in the end his fix was to change [COMPATIBILITY MODE]

well i tryed all modes an still no joy so im chalk it up to hardware issue an play the game as is thx 4 ur help tho

PS: can you pls post ur options.ini info so i can copy an paste it in mine thx


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by invalidusername Sat 08 Sep 2012, 14:34

I'm not sure if that would work, let's wait and see what admin thinks about that before you copy anybody else's options.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Admin Sat 08 Sep 2012, 17:40


That's because the game isn't compatible with Windows 8 yet. Windows 8 isn't officially released yet, either. So don't bother playing TS3 on Windows 8, it's know to cause a lot of problems with the game.
What he means by "compatibility mode", is probably playing the game in Windows 7 compatibility mode, while he's on Windows 8.
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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Guest Sun 09 Sep 2012, 07:50

sorry if there is a miss understanding with that video i am not on windows 8...

i am running windows 7 ultimate but having the same problems he was having

an my options.ini is pritty empty only showing this

fullscreen = 1

pseudoresolution = 0,0

lastdevice = 0;1002;68be;1140

resolution = 1024 768 0

showncardnotrecognizedwarning = 1

lessonfindingyoursim = 0

lessonskillbuilding = 0

lessonmemories = 0

lessonmemoriessharing = 0

billtnssims3.gameplay.objects.vehicles.cartwizy = 1

billtnssims3.gameplay.objects.environment.solarpanel = 1

lessontraveling = 0

i wonder if some1 can post me there options.ini to see if that helps me


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weird glich black landscape Empty Re: weird glich black landscape

Post by Admin Sun 09 Sep 2012, 12:32


Here's mine:

agingstagelengthyoungadult = 21

agingstagelengthtoddler = 7

simwhileminimized = 0

enableintrotutorial = 0

disableautonomyforselectedsim = 0

animationsmoothing = 1

agingstagelengthfoal = 0

edgescrolling = 1

simquality = 4

musiclevel = 255

aginginterval = 2

treequality = 4

voicelevel = 255

inverthorizontalrotation = 0

videocapturesize = 2

enableingamestore = 0

videocapturesound = 0

requireloginbeforeload = 0

agingstagelengthdogelder = 0

invertverticalrotation = 0

audiooutputmode = 1

fullscreen = 0

agingstagelengthdogadult = 0

agingstagelengthbaby = 3

receiveconnecttns = 1

visualeffects = 3

enabletelemetry = 1

petautonomylevel = 2

soundfxlevel = 255

resolution = 1920 1080 0

advancedrendering = 1

agingstagelengthcatelder = 0

suppressopportunitydialogswarningproducts = 24585

agingstagelengthhorseadult = 0

ambientlevel = 255

audioquality = 3

objecthiding = 0

voicemute = 0

videocapturequality = 2

enablememories = 1

focusmute = 1

terrainquality = 3

nummaxactivelotoptions = 6

enabletombresets = 1

agingstagelengthadult = 21

aspectratio = 0

generalreflections = 3

soundfxmute = 0

agingstagelengthpuppy = 0

agingstagelengthelder = 17

enabletutorial = 1

edgesmoothing = 3

lastdevice = 0;10de;05e2;142

agingstagelengthkitten = 0

maxactivelots = 8

supressopportunitydialogs = 0

enablestoryprogression = 1

agingstagelengthhorseelder = 0

twelvehourclock = 1

videocapturehideui = 1

videocapturetime = 60

agingstagelengthcatadult = 0

drawdistance = 3

agingstagelengthchild = 7

lightingquality = 3

pseudoresolution = 0,0

autonomylevel = 2

musicmute = 0

showplacementgrid = 0

ambientmute = 0

enableaging = 1

edgescrollingwarning = 1

agingstagelengthteen = 14

forcesquarepixels = 1

texturequality = 3

lessonfindingyoursim = 0

enablewitches = 1

receiveddevgift = 0

enablevampires = 1

lunarphaselength = 0

enablelunarphase = 0

postfilterflags = 0

lunarcyclelength = 3

enablepets = 1

enableoptoutceleb = 0

enablefairies = 1

enablelunarcycle = 1

enablewerewolves = 1

enablehorses = 1

enablecelebrities = 1

From: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Options.ini
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