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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 09 Sep 2012, 01:22

Hi Everyone,
I have2 problems since updating to 1.38 and installing Supernatural. The first is, I use custom skin tones in game and when I go into CAS under skin tones nothing will show up. No icons for the skin tones and nothing to click. However, my sims are showing the custom skin tones in game that I use for them prior to installing Supernatural.
All my skin tones are in package format. I have deleted my dc backup files, deleted the files in the Electronic arts folder ( compositor cache package, CASPartCache,SimCompositor Cache amd so on. Also cleared out the Thumbnail folder, World Cache.

Second Problem:
My sim fired the butler because she just ran around with normal clothes and did nothing. Then hired a different one and now there are 8 butlers all clustered together on the street in front of the house. All the mods I use are up to date. Anyone else with this problem? Especially the skin tones problem.

Lisa Help

Last edited by mslisalisa on Sun 09 Sep 2012, 23:22; edited 1 time in total


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sun 09 Sep 2012, 12:18


What about Mods, do you have any?
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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 09 Sep 2012, 22:30

Yes, I do have Narra's mods. I'm going to remove all mods and see what happens.



I removed all of the mods and still no skin tones. Since playing yesterday where I had about 8 butlers on the road outside of the home I now have even more butlers! Look at all of them!! LOL! I didn't hear of any Butler Convention going on. Just so strange.

Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Butler10[url][/url]


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 10 Sep 2012, 01:51

When I saw that picture, I died of Laughing!!!! LOOOOOOOOL!!! Butler invasion! XD


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 10 Sep 2012, 02:14

that happened to me had to start a new game after getting rid of all the mods it was a mod confliction causing the problem but im sorry to say i dont remember which mod caused it


oh and that was for butler problem not skin tone i dont use those Sad


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 10 Sep 2012, 03:48

cagil99 wrote:When I saw that picture, I died of Laughing!!!! LOOOOOOOOL!!! Butler invasion! XD

I know! I had to snap a pic to show that...wonder what will happen when if I load the game again? Seems like there is more every time I do. I think I will save the household and just start a new game. I removed all the mods. Hoping to figure out the skin tone problem....strange for sure.


Bond007Girl wrote:that happened to me had to start a new game after getting rid of all the mods it was a mod confliction causing the problem but im sorry to say i dont remember which mod caused it

Yeah it's funny because all my mods were updated. I am going to save the household and start a new game before the Butlers take over the town. Funny thing is, There is a hang out across the street from the house and the Butlers are all partying up a storm over there. Hmmm....maybe there is a convention in town?!?!? :-)


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Mon 10 Sep 2012, 11:09


If I remember correctly, the butler thing had to do with a book mod. I'm not sure about the skin tones though, they might not work properly with Supernatural, or there may be a conflict with another mod.
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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 10 Sep 2012, 15:57

Hi! I'm not sure how the butler work ( I didn't even know you could have one hehe) but if it's anything like hiring a maid have you tried cancelling the service altogether and then calling it again?

great snapshop btw lol!


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 14 Sep 2012, 00:38

Hey All,
Just wanted to give a update on the problem since it has been solved and wanted to share the information in case anyone else has this problem as well. First problem was a skin tone mod that I used. It was out dated so I had to update it to 1.38. Second problem was I merge many of my package files and some how must have made a mistake and merged a old mod in the merged package file. I found this out by removing everything from my Mods folder and just adding the skin tone mod and a few skin tones. Worked like a charm. Then I went back and added a few more of my package files and mods then ran the game. Did this until I found the merged package file I made.

Thanks for your help and you can mark as Solved. Hammertime


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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Fri 14 Sep 2012, 06:05

Glad you figured it out Very Happy Enjoy the game.
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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Fri 14 Sep 2012, 10:18

Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.
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Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED] Empty Re: Custom Skin Tones not showing and I have tons of butlers. Update:[SOLVED]

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