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the sims 3 ambitions problem.[CLOSED]

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the sims 3 ambitions problem.[CLOSED] Empty the sims 3 ambitions problem.[CLOSED]

Post by Guest Wed 03 Oct 2012, 05:48

i have the original sims 3 and the original sims 3 late night (both from store)

i have the torrented version of the sims 3 supernatural i got it from here.. i had problems with it getting disc error but i finally got it to open by going to my sims 3 game bin and opening it by clicking ts3w instead of the icon on the desktop...

well i just downloaded sims 3 ambitions and i put the cracks where their suppose to go but when i click on the icon on the desktop ooorr click on the thing inside its game bin folder it brings up the supernatural loading screen instead of the ambitions lading screen and i get the disk error again.. anyone know why? what did i do wrong? if needed ill download team viewer so someone can do this for me


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the sims 3 ambitions problem.[CLOSED] Empty Re: the sims 3 ambitions problem.[CLOSED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 03 Oct 2012, 10:08


You're supposed to get the Supernatural loadingscreen. That doesn't actually mean anything apart from it being the newest EP you have installed. You didn't need the Ambitions crack though, only the one from the fix is needed.

Please keep all your problems in one topic. To avoid confusion. I'll close this one, if this is still a problem, please post in your other topic so we can solve all your problems in one topic.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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