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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Thu 03 Jan 2013, 05:15

Hello there!

I have browsed the various sections and I know I've seen this one pop up a time or two, but following the tips in those threads has not cured my issue, so I've made a new thread!

I downloaded and installed all of the monthly updates as of January 1st, and installed them all. I was initially having a problem installing them, and I read a post that said you can only install a maximum of 20 at a time - so a few hours of doing that, they were all installed. Then being a garden lover, I was gardening with my Sim, and wanting to gain the awesome fertilizer that the sunflower produced, the Plants vs Zombies Sunflower was my main interest, of all of the items I got.

Unfortunately, I get the infamouse "Missing Object Resource Instance" error. I feel as if I've done something wrong with the Store Fixes; do you really simply place them in a (created) "Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages" folder, and not do anything with them after that? If so, I did it right. The ccmerged.package file already existed in the DCBackup folder, so I didn't do anything with that.

And, I have no saves or anything - I was starting my first game and the plant was the first thing I placed, due to hearing of it's possible issues, and sadly I am one of the victims.

As an added bit of information - I have a legitimate copy of the base game, though only via the code - 100% of my Sims installation files were thanks to Games4TheWorld, and I've installed every Expansion and Stuff Pack!

Any tips on things to try?


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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Re: Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Thu 03 Jan 2013, 05:30

In your DCCache folder, delete the files called "missingdeps.idx" and see if that fixes it. If it's not fixed, go back into your DCCache folder, delete all of the EBC and DBC files, then reinstall your items. Also note that the 20 by 20 method isn't a hard limit - it was just a suggestion. Based on your system you may be able to do more, just be prepared for the wait if you try too many at once.


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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Re: Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Thu 03 Jan 2013, 06:35

Trying: Delete "missingdeps.idx" from DCCache.
Result: No luck

Trying: Delete all EBC/DBC Files from DCCache and reinstall.
Result: I deleted them and only reinstalled the Garden Pack, as it was the problem one. I'm still getting the missing object thing.

Also, about the 20 by 20 thing - when I tried installing everything it took about 10-15 minutes, however they didn't successfully install when it was done - none of them appeared in game, and restarting the launcher showed that none had been installed.

And on a side note, my PC is quite powerful; i7 3770S, 16gb DDR3 1866, and a GTX 660ti.

Very opened to further suggestions! Very Happy

Thank you for assisting me, by the way.


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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Re: Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Thu 03 Jan 2013, 21:14

Nope. This is one of those issues where if the above and other suggestions don't fix it the only other options would be to try reinstalling, unfortunately.


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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Re: Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Thu 03 Jan 2013, 21:40

It only took me about 30 minutes to install all of the things (besides store content) in it's entirety - which I did a few days ago before attempting to install the store content and running into troubles, eventually reading about the 20 by 20 guideline, and successfully installing everything, then on my first game I was starting, first item I placed, it was the sunflower, since my fiancee had the same issue - and I had the issue immediately.

I tried deleting all of the stuff from DCBackup (besides ccmerged.package), to no avail.

I suppose uninstalling it all then reinstalling, and only installing the Greenhouse pack would be more of a "clean" install, perhaps I will try that later. Thank you again for your help!


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Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance Empty Re: Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance

Post by Guest Sat 02 Mar 2013, 09:44

sillyguywhodoesthings wrote:Hello there!

I have browsed the various sections and I know I've seen this one pop up a time or two, but following the tips in those threads has not cured my issue, so I've made a new thread!

I downloaded and installed all of the monthly updates as of January 1st, and installed them all. I was initially having a problem installing them, and I read a post that said you can only install a maximum of 20 at a time - so a few hours of doing that, they were all installed. Then being a garden lover, I was gardening with my Sim, and wanting to gain the awesome fertilizer that the sunflower produced, the Plants vs Zombies Sunflower was my main interest, of all of the items I got.

Unfortunately, I get the infamouse "Missing Object Resource Instance" error. I feel as if I've done something wrong with the Store Fixes; do you really simply place them in a (created) "Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages" folder, and not do anything with them after that? If so, I did it right. The ccmerged.package file already existed in the DCBackup folder, so I didn't do anything with that.

And, I have no saves or anything - I was starting my first game and the plant was the first thing I placed, due to hearing of it's possible issues, and sadly I am one of the victims.

As an added bit of information - I have a legitimate copy of the base game, though only via the code - 100% of my Sims installation files were thanks to Games4TheWorld, and I've installed every Expansion and Stuff Pack!

Any tips on things to try?

Heya i might have the solution to your problem it worked for me as i had the Same problem just a lill ago.
and clean install and reinstall all packs and custom work is the last option for me sins i have a lot and much unique own made stuff.
Here is what i did .
1 Open the launcher and start the game without any extra installed items.
2 Close the game completely.
3 Restart the launcher.
4 as you look at your downloads tab you will probably find many items you installed before grayed out and as surprise you will probably see many items of which you thought you installed are not just select a few of thees and reinstall thees only not to many at the time ! As your log probably will say is already installed this dos not mean he did not install the missing items cause surprise he did install some new things which you missed from that pack also it amazed me on how many things were installed in my opinion and infect were not as my log told me many times succeed .
5 now start your game clean again and repeat step 4 again do this until every item in your download list is grayed out..
6 now start your game and see if it worked for you. to. flower

I did some more researching on the net if your problem is not fixed after this you still can use your flower just delete the white box that appeared here is how.
! Set testing cheats enabled by holding ctrl+shift and C And type in the little blue bar that appears in the left top of your screen testingcheatsenabled true.
2 Hold ctrl+shift and click the white box while in build mode and a menu now appears and you should be able to delete the box.
To disable testing cheats enabled you do like step 1 to make the bar appear again only this time you type testingcheatsenabled false.
Good luck
cheers flower Sims 3 Sunflower Missing Object Resource Instance 294340757

Last edited by rosalyney on Sat 02 Mar 2013, 11:54; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : A other option)


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