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Thinking about purchasing university through pre order?

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Thinking about purchasing university through pre order? Empty Thinking about purchasing university through pre order?

Post by Guest Sat 16 Feb 2013, 19:58

Hey guys!

I'm thinking of preordering university so I can get all the extra goodies =P.

WIll it work with all the Games4theworld versions I have installed on my computer?

-Thank you!


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Thinking about purchasing university through pre order? Empty Re: Thinking about purchasing university through pre order?

Post by invalidusername Sat 16 Feb 2013, 23:56

It will work, but we will have all the "extra goodies" uploaded too, so if you'd like to not pay for it... Razz
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Thinking about purchasing university through pre order? Empty Re: Thinking about purchasing university through pre order?

Post by Guest Wed 20 Feb 2013, 16:54

"It will work, but we will have all the "extra goodies" uploaded too, so if you'd like to not pay for it... "
that line just made my day Smile


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Thinking about purchasing university through pre order? Empty Re: Thinking about purchasing university through pre order?

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