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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by Guest Tue 02 Apr 2013, 13:49

I've been having this problem since I first installed Supernatural, reinstalled all the expansions and the base game several times since (re-formatted the PC once as well) and the problem persisted. I also encountered it with mods installed, with no mods installed, with no mods installed and clean cache etc.

It's quite simple, most of the supernatural Sims I create in CAF turn into normal sims when I release them into the world. This isn't a big problem for witches and vampires, but it can be a pain in the a** for Genies and Werewolves since I have to pretty much re-make / edit them in CAS (due to the Genies changing appearance to the default blue with white eyes and weird clothing and Werewolves receiving a default / ugly werewolf appearance) once I make them supernaturals again using hacks.

It could have something to do with pre-set sims, since I rarely make a sim in one run and then play with it immediately. I usually save them in CAF pre-sets several times.

Like I said, I tried:

-Reinstalling everything
-Removing custom content
-Removing custom content and clearing cache
-Removing everything except Nraas' mods (Master Controller, Overwatch, ErrorTrap and a few others)


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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 04 Apr 2013, 13:06


You say most, so some stay "occult" as they were created. Is there a pattern to which sims revert to normal? Like, individual sims revert, families don't.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by Guest Thu 04 Apr 2013, 23:53

Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,

You say most, so some stay "occult" as they were created. Is there a pattern to which sims revert to normal? Like, individual sims revert, families don't.

That's the problem, I can't figure out a pattern. Some sims in a family revert, others don't, exactly which is completely random. Same for individuals, sometimes they revert, other times they don't. The game also doesn't discriminate, in other words some witches might revert but others might not, the problem doesn't occur with a specific type of supernatural.

By the way I tried making some "instant" sims (no saving in pre-made sims) and some of them still reverted.


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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 06 Apr 2013, 11:20


Well ok that was the only question I could think of asking since I don't use Supernatural EP. It seems like you've tried everything, it's possible this is an EA bug.

Edit: Yup, it's an EA bug, apparently CAS wasn't properly updated for Supernatural. You can still change your sims with Master Controller's CAS function.
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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by Guest Sat 06 Apr 2013, 17:54

Yeah I already am, but it's problematic for Genies cause when you turn a normal sim into a Genie (cheat, potion, spell, doesn't matter) it receives the default blue skin, white eyes and Aladdin outfit.

I also have to customize the werewolf appearance again (you basically have two sims in one if it's a Werewolf, both customizable).

So there's no fix for it, well thanks anyway.


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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 07 Apr 2013, 12:26


Sorry I didn't have a better solution.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state. Empty Re: Supernatural sim reverting to normal sim state.

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