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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop! Empty My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

Post by Guest Thu 25 Jul 2013, 04:41

I installed Island Paradise and it was working just fine until i noticed that whenever my sim had to move somewhere, she would swim there rather than walk normally. This happens anywhere and doesn't stop, she swims through the floor and only stops to perform specific actions like take a shower or climb the stairs. I have tried moving her with 'moveobjects on' and I've tried resetting her but she keeps swimming. Any ideas?


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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop! Empty Re: My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

Post by Guest Thu 25 Jul 2013, 07:52

hi there is a mod on modthesims.com that changes your Sims walk style, it can be found here http://modthesims.info/d/385612. I'm not sure if it works with the latest patch. You have to make a free account if you don't have one already. Also here is a topic on what mods are and how to use them if you don't know already http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files


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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop! Empty Re: My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

Post by Guest Thu 25 Jul 2013, 10:29

Have you tried placing your sim inside a house after resetting it, then commanding the sim to use something?


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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop! Empty Re: My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

Post by J.T. Thu 25 Jul 2013, 17:06


Does this happen to only a particular save? Can you try to create a new game and try to see if this problem persists?
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My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop! Empty Re: My Sim is Swimming on Land and Won't Stop!

Post by Guest Sat 27 Jul 2013, 01:46

I'm so sorry, but I literally LOL'd at this! Sounds like something I would post! heh! I'm sorry this is happening! It might be a glitchy save... have you tried resetsim? That might help!


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