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Sim gaining athletic skill without trying?

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Sim gaining athletic skill without trying? Empty Sim gaining athletic skill without trying?

Post by Guest Sat 10 Aug 2013, 18:13

So I've got a young adult female sim in Isla Paradiso that is somehow gaining Athletic skill without trying- except when I put her on the treadmill. She's gained Athletic skill while asleep, walking, eating- it's the weirdest thing. I don't want her to be an Athletic sim, though. How do I stop this?


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Sim gaining athletic skill without trying? Empty Re: Sim gaining athletic skill without trying?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 10 Aug 2013, 20:44

Aquabreeze wrote:So I've got a young adult female sim in Isla Paradiso that is somehow gaining Athletic skill without trying- except when I put her on the treadmill. She's gained Athletic skill while asleep, walking, eating- it's the weirdest thing. I don't want her to be an Athletic sim, though. How do I stop this?

Issues with skill gaining have been around for quite some time, and you might try the following:

In "edit town" mode,
save your female sim into the "bin". Then make a new savegame (for now), but don't delete your old save. In that new savegame, put in your female sim and play on for a while to see if the problem pops up.

If yes, you might even try to create a completely new sim and see if this happens again.

I would also have suggested that you use the "NRAAS Master Controller" mod to set the skill level of your sim, but you would have to do this relatively often, I guess.

Let me know the result, but if nothing helps, I would take this as a bug and play on; this has to be fixed with a future patch.
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