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The Sims Medieval Patch

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The Sims Medieval Patch Empty The Sims Medieval Patch

Post by Guest Fri 02 Sep 2011, 19:38

Hi ! I need a patch for the sims medieval not the latest patch I mean the patch before the latest.

Cause I think there are lots of people getting trouble with the latest patch of the sims medieval and I'm one of them


I already download the temp and the newer version but still I got stuck on creating a sim (LOADING FOREVER).

I can run any games with Full End Graphics so I think its not my computer

I'm not sure but I think my own copy of The Sims Medieval would not work with the ultimate fix and maybe I'll try to download the copy of the game here, so it could be more compatible with the ultimate fix.

I just want to play this game for the meantime. Please help

Please provide me a Link of the patch and Crack of the The sims medieval not the latest one, I'm talking about the patch before the latest.

Last edited by Drazard on Fri 02 Sep 2011, 19:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo :D)


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The Sims Medieval Patch Empty Re: The Sims Medieval Patch

Post by Admin Fri 02 Sep 2011, 20:33

Drazard wrote:Hi ! I need a patch for the sims medieval not the latest patch I mean the patch before the latest.

Cause I think there are lots of people getting trouble with the latest patch of the sims medieval and I'm one of them


I already download the temp and the newer version but still I got stuck on creating a sim (LOADING FOREVER).

I can run any games with Full End Graphics so I think its not my computer

I'm not sure but I think my own copy of The Sims Medieval would not work with the ultimate fix and maybe I'll try to download the copy of the game here, so it could be more compatible with the ultimate fix.

I just want to play this game for the meantime. Please help

Please provide me a Link of the patch and Crack of the The sims medieval not the latest one, I'm talking about the patch before the latest.

I understand what you mean. The thing is that the Fix isn't updated to Pirates and Nobles yet, so the Fix is now the version before the latest version.
I'm updating it soon. Maybe it'll fix some problems!
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