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updated patch? Version

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updated patch? Version Empty updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Wed 06 May 2015, 22:08

Is there a download for Version for get to work  Why God.

Admin edit: Moved to Chit-chat.



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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Tue 12 May 2015, 21:02

I'd like to know that too  Pikachu


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Thu 14 May 2015, 16:08

Me too, I'm so sick of the barkey 315 error code. I always forgot then decorate my cakes and when they sell remove the sign so that my sim can fill the slot again but the makes the error code.. traveling to a new lot is the "work around" but for some reason it almost resets my lot to before my cakes sold so its like I didnt spend 4 real time hours dealing with my store.. D:

I know G4TW are busy but this kinda thing happened with the sims 4 too, after pools there were no more updates until get to work, why is that?


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Thu 14 May 2015, 16:50

Am I the only one who is Checking Everyday the Ultimate Fix Website? 

I get really nervous whenever I visit them because I think there is a New one. 

Urgh. And I am so tired waiting for the Ultimate Fix. -.-

But Nah, I love G4TW so even though I am tired waiting, i still love them. Smile


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Admin Thu 14 May 2015, 18:10

Hi there,

Unfortunately it's something that's out of our control. The reason it has not been updated yet, is because we depend on cracks from third parties. The latest version of the game has not been cracked yet, hence we can't update the Ultimate Fix.

So the only solution at the moment is... patience. Very Happy Grab yourself a nice cup of Tea 5 , and enjoy the current version of the game in the meantime.

Of course we'll update the Fix as soon as the new crack has been released, don't worry about that.
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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Thu 14 May 2015, 18:17

Thanks Admin! cheers


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Thu 14 May 2015, 19:29

Well theres a new patch for the Sims 4 anyway Update: 05/14/2015 – PC Version / Mac Version  http://help.ea.com/ca/article/the-sims-4-updates/


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Wed 20 May 2015, 06:29

And then patch comes out. (Not released here yet) (Not released here yet) (Not released here yet) (Current)

Way behind here which is out of G4TW's control. Now you all have 2 choices, Simmers.
1: Go on waiting for who knows how long
2: Buy the game

I personally bought the Get To Work Expansion Pack. Obviously it cannot detect the cracked original base game. Expensive but that is life. Going to buy the original base game once it has stock again in my country's mall. And then the Luxury Pack after that.
For the time being, until I get the base game, I'll wait for the Ultimate Fix.

EDIT: Bought the base game Deluxe Edition, Outdoor Retreat and Luxury Pack on Origin.

Last edited by justpassingby on Fri 22 May 2015, 06:45; edited 2 times in total


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Thu 21 May 2015, 20:22

am going on and wait for who knows when
and we all know that patience is the cure so am still waiting and supporting everyone here and in other sites
so why I should buy it when I can wait for it for free (even if it crashes like gta 5) but at least it works
and I still have the other sims games I can play them if I get bored from TS4 because they have all the EPs and SPs


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 00:00

justpassingby wrote:I personally bought the Get To Work Expansion Pack. Obviously it cannot detect the original base game. Expensive but that is life. Going to buy the original base game once it has stock again in my country's mall.



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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 06:44

Aymen1234 wrote:am going on and wait for who knows when
and we all know that patience is the cure so am still waiting and supporting everyone here and in other sites
so why I should buy it when I can wait for it for free (even if it crashes like gta 5) but at least it works
and I still have the other sims games I can play them if I get bored from TS4 because they have all the EPs and SPs
Indeed. Patience is virtue. However, no matter how much of a pirate I am myself which I have been for years, supporting EA is the actual right thing (despite their screw ups) because without them, this site wouldn't even exist in the first place.

That should be my sigh since I could not wait anymore.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 07:43

I really don't want the stuff pack. 
but, now I want it because when it releases here, it contains the latest update. LOL!  IAmSoHappyEmergahwd


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 08:36

justpassingby wrote:@Anarchy
That should be my sigh since I could not wait anymore.

There is no hope for the gaming industry. Hell there is no hope for the economy.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Fri 22 May 2015, 10:17

Mind elaborating a bit?

Last edited by justpassingby on Sat 23 May 2015, 10:51; edited 1 time in total


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 02:15

justpassingby wrote:
Anarchy wrote:
justpassingby wrote:@Anarchy
That should be my sigh since I could not wait anymore.

There is no hope for the gaming industry. Hell there is no hope for the economy.
Mind elaborating a bit?

Why bother. It's nothing that hasn't been said before.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 06:12

Just so you know, I bought the original base game, Outdoor Retreat and Luxury Pack in Origin which I did not realize that I could do instead of further waiting. That aside, I take it that you mean that it is because of pirates, there is no hope for the gaming industry and economy. There is. Just that it has to be games on consoles that people cannot hack. PS3, PS4, Vita, XBox 360, XBox 1, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, etc. That is if that is what you meant.

Last edited by justpassingby on Sat 23 May 2015, 10:49; edited 2 times in total


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 09:12

justpassingby wrote:
Anarchy wrote:
justpassingby wrote:
Anarchy wrote:
justpassingby wrote:@Anarchy
That should be my sigh since I could not wait anymore.

There is no hope for the gaming industry. Hell there is no hope for the economy.
Mind elaborating a bit?

Why bother. It's nothing that hasn't been said before.
Just so you know, I bought the original base game, Outdoor Retreat and Luxury Pack in Origin which I did not realize that I could do instead of further waiting. That aside, I take it that you mean that it is because of pirates, there is no hope for the gaming industry and economy. There is. Just that it has to be games on consoles that people cannot hack. PS3, PS4, Vita, XBox 360, XBox 1, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, etc. That is if that is what you meant.

You know nothing Jon Snow. There is no hope for the gaming industry because of the people buying garbage like The Sims 4, and encouraging companies like EA to keep pushing them.

Why did you buy The Sims 4? What did you get from it that wouldn't get from pirating it? Only thing that comes to mind is the Gallery, but as far as I remember the first cracked version of The Sims 4 (and only)  that I have tried actually could connect to the Gallery. It required Origin but it worked.

Now I'm not one of those "lewl why buy the game when u can pirate" people. I understand the importance of supporting developers and publishers. But man oh man, I pity the fool who wants to support EA...


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 09:48

Ah, I see. That is why I didn't get what you mean because you were being vague so whose fault is that (not actually blaming you because I don't get vagueness)?
The main and only reason I bought Sims 4 is because I honestly lack patience in waiting for the cracked versions.
And the other minor reasons is because I love The Sims, 4 as of now, so much, no matter how screwed up EA did. Sure, it may not be worth the money, outrageous pricing to boot, but I don't care. Without EA, I would not be able to enjoy playing The Sims series.
And to me, personally, I don't find The Sims 4 garbage one bit.
But it does not get away from my criticism as well because nothing and no one is perfect.

What I am disappointed in Sims 4 for now, I already mentioned them but those were for the Get To Work pack.
The general reasons of my disappointment:
1. Outrageous pricing for the many bugs present but I forgive as long as they deal with them which they are although slowly.
2. Outrageous pricing for the lack of contents like pools for the initial release but I forgive as long as they add them in which so far they did.
3. Unable to build fences without the need of foundation (flooring is fine). I know the split rooms and all that techniques but could not pull it off.
4. Unable to build homes in or over Swimming Pools and/or Fountains.

There should be more reasons but that's all I can think of for now.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 18:20

justpassingby wrote:The main and only reason I bought Sims 4 is because I honestly lack patience in waiting for the cracked versions.

It was cracked on launch day! x_x

So in the end, what you're basically saying is that no matter how much EA rips you off you still want to support them. You know, I was joking when I said I pity the fool who does that, because honestly I thought people support them only out of ignorance, not knowingly.

I just.. like I said, no hope.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Sat 23 May 2015, 20:56

ok how about you two take this argument some were else as its not the right place or topic for said argument? Carlos is tha man!!!


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Mon 25 May 2015, 14:02


I can get that from here (patch 1.153.1020 as of now) anytime without needing to buy the games. But I'm talking about the latest one, Luxury Party Pack (possibly patch which this site still does not have which I now have access to since I bought the games and add-ons.
So yeah. I bought the games because I lacked patience in waiting for the latest cracked versions/patches/ultimate fixes.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Mon 25 May 2015, 15:24

justpassingby wrote:@Anarchy

I can get that from here (patch 1.153.1020 as of now) anytime without needing to buy the games. But I'm talking about the latest one, Luxury Party Pack (possibly patch which this site still does not have which I now have access to since I bought the games and add-ons.
So yeah. I bought the games because I lacked patience in waiting for the latest cracked versions/patches/ultimate fixes.

You bought it because you lacked patience period.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Tue 26 May 2015, 06:18

Exactly. That's what I have been saying in the first place. I lacked patience. Got all the latest The Sims 4 could offer now. Off to playing I go.


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

Post by Guest Tue 26 May 2015, 12:22

justpassingby wrote:@Anarchy
Exactly. That's what I have been saying in the first place. I lacked patience. Got all the latest The Sims 4 could offer now.

Which is basically a quarter of what The Sims 2 offered and even less of what The Sims 3 offered for the same price (well, less now) and available on Steam. GG

FYI your lack of patience is the reason the industry is such a joke ("you" as in "you and those like you", which is most of the consumer base).


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updated patch? Version Empty Re: updated patch? Version

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