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editing town in CAW

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editing town in CAW Empty editing town in CAW

Post by Guest Wed 29 Jul 2015, 21:08

I want to create an alternate Sunlit Tides; nothing major, merely swap some lots around to create a "downtown" area with the most used commercial lots. To that end I've read several threads on the subject, but they are either unclear or disagree on a couple of points.

What I think I know:
- make a copy of Sunlit Tides and rename it ("Sunlit Tides 2", "Son of Sunlit Tides", whatever)
- edit with S3PE so CAW will open it
- open in CAW and send to Edit In Game
- copy all lots to be moved into the library then bulldoze them
- copy lots from the library to where I want them
- return to CAW and save
- export

Where I am confused:
I should edit something in the new file so the game recognizes it as a separate world (apparently renaming the file isn't sufficient); but I am uncertain exactly what to edit here, or even whether this edit is done via CAW or S3PE. A couple of threads also say I should export something, via S3PE, from a different world, any world apparently, and import that to my world; one thread even had this export as a d/l so I merely get that and import it, but there were two different files available. Since not all threads mention this latter export/import step I am quite confused.

I am not unfamiliar with CAW, having four worlds in development, but am just learning to use S3PE.


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editing town in CAW Empty Re: editing town in CAW

Post by Sim Architect Thu 06 Aug 2015, 08:50

Hi there! Sorry I do not have the game installed on my computer right now! Please, take a look in CAW for an option to select a name for your Neighborhood at the neighborhood properties or something like that (or maybe use "Save As"?).

Anyway, I guess your key is in the CAW tool. Smile

Please, let us know when you find it, so more users can learn from your experience. Thanks!!

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editing town in CAW Empty Re: editing town in CAW

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 08 Aug 2015, 17:32


I think it's possible to load the template into CAW, but you'll have to place everything. It'll have no lots or plants even, just the roads. 
If that doesn't bother you, you can try to load it from C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\InstalledWorlds
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editing town in CAW Empty Re: editing town in CAW

Post by Guest Sat 08 Aug 2015, 22:00

Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,

I think it's possible to load the template into CAW, but you'll have to place everything. It'll have no lots or plants even, just the roads. 
If that doesn't bother you, you can try to load it from C:\Users\yourname\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\InstalledWorlds

Lol, that is exactly what I do not want. I merely want to create a "downtown" area in Sunlit Tides containing the most often used commrcial buildings., so only need to swap a few commercial lots with residential lots ...and hope that has no detrimental affect on gameplay.

I recently found this tutorial - http://nraas.wikispaces.com/How+To+Get+A+Downloaded+World+Into+CAW?responseToken=62571279a30e84d8feb0409fa5f792b3, which is more concise than most threads I've read. Hopefully will find time to try it this weekend.


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editing town in CAW Empty Re: editing town in CAW

Post by Sim Architect Sun 09 Aug 2015, 00:46

Great! Please let us know how things turn out, I am sure lots of people will be interested in doing the same thing!!!

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