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Sims 3 World Adventures Crack 1

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Sims 3 World Adventures Crack 1 Empty Sims 3 World Adventures Crack 1

Post by Guest Wed 09 Jun 2010, 02:31

I've already downloaded High End Loft Stuff from you guys, and it's fantastic. I downloaded World Adventures, and am trying to install it. The instructions are pretty clear, so when I open sims3patch.exe under the Crack 1 folder, after a few minutes it brings up a dialogue window with the standard installation layout. The only problem is that the text appears to be total gibberish. It's just a series of accented characters and others. It still allows me to go forward, because I'm familiar with the layout, but the characters make no sense.


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Sims 3 World Adventures Crack 1 Empty Re: Sims 3 World Adventures Crack 1

Post by Admin Wed 09 Jun 2010, 14:09


It's normal that the wizard is in an othe (weird) language, so don't worry about that. But it's important that you change the path. (As described in the Installation Guide)


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