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Trouble finding Worlds on launcher.

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Trouble finding Worlds on launcher. Empty Trouble finding Worlds on launcher.

Post by Guest Wed 26 Feb 2020, 23:40

So I just finished completely downloading the Sims 3 and all of the packs separately and I got to to the point where the game runs smooth and everything is fine, but I can't get the store worlds to appear in the launcher like how the install instructions say. I've triple checked that I've put everything in its proper place and I click the Sims3LauncherW.exe and that pops up fine but nothing shows up, not the worlds, nothing in the downloads section. I'm now worried that I've installed the wrong Sims 3 pack since I used the Games4theworld.org site to torrent instead of this forum. And I'm dreading the idea of reinstalling everything and entering each and every product key again. So I hope there's a better fix. Thank you for your time. 
I'm new here. Please don't be mad if I messed something up  Oh my...


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Trouble finding Worlds on launcher. Empty Re: Trouble finding Worlds on launcher.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 27 Feb 2020, 07:47

Hello @Serein and welcome to the G4TW Forums,

One way you can 'go' about it, is to try running the Sims3LauncherW.exe as Administrator (right-click => "run as Administrator"). And ... as cheesy as it sounds, try waiting a while for the launcher to open. Give it 10-15 minutes, at most, and see what happens.

I guess the waiting time will also depend on how strong your computer is, but I digress. If the launcher does not open (immediately) it usually means you installed a lot of .sims3pack files, is that the case with you too?

If you still cannot make it work, I'm afraid you have to resort to using other means. This external guide here explains what you can do, to install worlds without the launcher:

Good luck for now!

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