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Can not download Supernatural

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Can not download Supernatural Empty Can not download Supernatural

Post by Guest Thu 20 Sep 2012, 19:29

I have used your site to download all of my Sims games (by the way, thanks for making that possible) so I am not new to the process but for the last two days I have tried to download your torrent file for Supernatural and I come up with 0 users and my status says searching. Is anyone else having this problem? Any advice on what I should try?

Can not download Supernatural 2830496658


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Can not download Supernatural Empty Re: Can not download Supernatural

Post by t2sink Thu 20 Sep 2012, 19:34

Can you download other torrents? The Pirates Bay has almost 1k people seeding for G4TW The Sims 3: Supernatural. Might suggest re-download the .torrent file and try again.

Let us know the results.
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Can not download Supernatural Empty Re: Can not download Supernatural

Post by Guest Thu 20 Sep 2012, 19:46

Well I have tried re-downloading the torrent about three times (same result) and I also tried downloading another, the Katy Perry one, and it started right up. It seems that Supernatural is the only one not working for me. Sad


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