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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Sun 16 Sep 2012, 16:41


I am having an issue with a newly purchased item from the EA Store, called Lady Ravendancers Book O 'Spells (I believe that is the name), what happens is when i try and use it I get teleported a few feet away.

I have also bought the "more Magic" package from the EA Store (Cauldron, Voodoo Doll and Crystal Ball) and they seem to work fine, but in reading around the web, supposedly there is a conflict with these sets of magic items.

I have come to your site as it was highly recommended as a resource to fix this problem and so I have looked in your other threads and tried what was described there, with no success.

As a result I am requesting guidance on what I might be doing wrong, as recently it was stated on your threads these fixes should work.

I have tried both the spellbook_fix.package and the Store updates_new dates 9/10/12 in mediafire with no success.

Here is what I have tried (I have a basic understanding of mods - package/mod/overrides):

1 - Have the store download of the spellbook installed

2 - Apply spellbook fix package in mod folder

Doesn't work.

So I tried this:

1 - Have store download of the spellbook installed

2 - Put Store update _new dated 9/10/12 in my mod folder (I am not running awesome (I do have Nraas though), so i put all 4 files in there).

Did not work as well.

I then tried putting the 4 files from the Stores update_new into my override folder, just incase....did not work either.

I then went to your file of the gothic spellbook in 2011 (september i believe) and downloaded that file instead and used it instead of the store file, as it said updated 9/9/12..that did not work, sims said i did not have content installed when i used that file.

I bought the spellbook seperately if that matters.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Admin Sun 16 Sep 2012, 22:14


Can you post a screenshot of the following folder on your PC, please: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\
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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Mon 17 Sep 2012, 00:07

Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Screen10

I think i uploaded this correctly. Let me know if you need anything else


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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Admin Mon 17 Sep 2012, 18:32


Please download and apply the latest Framework from this link: http://chii.modthesims.info/FrameworkSetup.zip
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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Mon 17 Sep 2012, 21:33

I am pretty sure that is the one that I have and all my other mods work with that framework.

However, you are the expert, not me Smile

After I install that, want do you want me to do?


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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Admin Mon 17 Sep 2012, 22:09


I'm not expert with these kind of problems though, I usually leave those up to Lady ElDi.
Anyhow, after download it, apply it like you applied the old one and then test the game and see if the Spellbook from our official MediaFire account works.
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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Tue 18 Sep 2012, 01:25

I reinstalled the framework and grabbed your spellbook in the mediafire section, July 2011, i believe.

I then tried to install your spellbook and it says already installed..done.

I loaded the game and tried it out, same thing, get teleport away.

So i tried uninstalling the old spellbook, just incase your did not install as mentioned above, then i installed your spellbook as mentioned above as well and now it stays the same thing as before, "some content could not be loaded so replacements..." and there is now a world globe instead of the spellbook, which has no spellbook features.

Any more assistance would be appreciated.


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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Admin Tue 18 Sep 2012, 18:39


OK, this might do:

1. Do these instructions: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t2208-sims3pack-installed-world-inaccessible-or-wont-install-fix
2. Re-download the Store Fixes and the Spellbook.
3. Re-apply the Store Fixes and then the Spellbook again.
4. Test the game.

Good luck!
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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Thu 20 Sep 2012, 03:35

Help! Well not help, but it didn't work and I was scared for a second, please read below:

I did as you asked and now that I am trying to reinstall everything, it won't let me....Sims 3 crashes each time i try and reinstall them all.

I even tried re-installing a few at the time and the same thing happens, sims 3 crashes...

I am going to try and put back the files I backed up and try and reinstall and see if I can do that atleast so I can play the game.

After putting those backed up files back i was able to reinstall.

However it did not fix my problem, but it did recognize the file, it just still is teleporting me away, not sure if that is a good sign or not.


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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Admin Thu 20 Sep 2012, 21:36


Hmmm, I recommend you wait for Lady ElDi's reply, I'm at my Wit's end.
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Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook Empty Re: Problem with Ravendancers Spellbook

Post by Guest Fri 21 Sep 2012, 02:37

I really appreciate the help and I don't think it did reinstall properly, as it seems when i so a uninstall for some reason it does not show all of the files in the installed tab when you load, so I don't think it uninstalled it at all.

In other words we are exactly were we where before. However, now that I know that I might retry it and ensure it gets uninstalled this time and see if that works. However if I get a response for you guys before then what you suggest.

Thanks again for the help.


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