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Sims 3 Island Paradise: Can't move in family! :[

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Sims 3 Island Paradise: Can't move in family! :[ Empty Sims 3 Island Paradise: Can't move in family! :[

Post by Guest Sun 07 Jul 2013, 02:19

I searched the forums and couldn't find anything to help me with this.

The game worked fine at first. I played it on and off for a week with no problems.
For some reason, out of the blue, it decided to start having issues.

Anyways, here's what happens step by step:
1. I create a family.
2. I go to move them in, and I click on a lot. (I've tried several different lots and same problem occurs)
3. When I go to hit the accept button to start playing my family, the screen doesn't change at all. It just sits there with the back button and the accept button grayed out. I can move around so the screen isn't really frozen, I'm just unable to complete the "moving in" part.

I'm able to go back to the menu where you can choose "create a family" "move in family" or "choose household" by going to options and clicking "edit town" and then clicking on "return to game setup".
When I choose "create a family" and try to make a new family, when it's time to move them in the same thing happens.
When I choose "move in family" and try to move in a family whether it's pre-made by ea or one that I've created, same thing happens.
When I choose "choose household" the same thing happens.

I would have posted a screen shot but when I tried it just shows up as a black image each time.
I know it can't be anything to do with mods, as I don't have any installed.

I just want to move in my family and play the game.
Anybody else having this problem?
Hope to get some feedback and some help soon! I have teamviewer if you want to help me that way, also.

Edit: I'm going to try and restart the game and see if that helps, don't see why it would but I might as well try!
Edit: Restarting the game worked! Would still like to know what could have caused the problems to happen, if anybody might know why. :]


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Sims 3 Island Paradise: Can't move in family! :[ Empty Re: Sims 3 Island Paradise: Can't move in family! :[

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sun 07 Jul 2013, 11:42


Did you happen to clear your caches? Because those might've caused the issue.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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