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Tablet Advice.

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Tablet Advice. Empty Tablet Advice.

Post by Guest Thu 05 Dec 2013, 10:07

I am in need of some tablet advise, I want to buy one but I do not know very much about them and what they are able to preform.

what I want it to do:
-watch movies and t.v. shows from links (like putlocker and videoweed)
when I'm out I would like to be able to watch videos from whatever website (ex: primewire.ag)
-be able to use it as a drawing pad
I'm a fine artist painter, but I'd like to try some digital painting. But all the drawing pads I saw in my price range were not what I wanted. You have to draw on something that looks like a track pad and look at the computer screen to see what you are doing. And this just seemed really awkward to me, and unappealing. The drawing pads that you could see what you are doing on the pad cost way too much for a beginner (especially if I'm not even sure I will like it)

So basically it has to be sensitive enough to pick up thin and think lines, plus be able to run programs like adobe Photoshop, corel painter and or ect. Ideally I would love to get a cintiq affraid (but ammm WAY WAY out of my price range:( )

-read books and play simple app games
When I get it and spend this type of money I want to be able to do many things with it, I enjoy reading and playing android games. I had a kindle and it was great for Looking for bad joke  and games and even light web surfing, but I don't think it would have worked as a drawing pad.

-be under 350usd
my limit... sadly, and I do not want to get a product that I later find out can not do what I wanted. I tried doing research on my own but... I got lost (what the Censored  is with the 'jelly bean' thing?)
And don't get me started on all the off brand PC, Android, Google play, Samsung Galaxy tab/note....scratch 

If I'm being unrealistic please tell me, or if current tablets are not there yet- also please tell me. Facepalm 
I don't want to waste that kind of money, and get something I don't need or want. And I feel uncomfortable asking sales people- (because, lets be honest) most have no idea what they are talking about. 

Please help, I'd really really appreciate it I love you


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Tablet Advice. Empty Re: Tablet Advice.

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 05 Dec 2013, 20:14


I got my first Galaxy tablet back in 2011-2012.  This was around the time when they were still pretty new and I was ecstatic!  I got it home and had it for over six months, and soon, I found it sitting on my desk collecting dust.  There were a few reasons why.

1.  It lost its appeal to me, as I had a pretty darn powerful laptop at the time.
2.  Typing is not easy on a tablet.  I had a laptop, so, well.
3.  It was fun to play little android games on and watch Netflix, but soon it got tedious because not all tablets have cases made for them that are like 'stands'.  So in other words, I'd have to HOLD my tablet the entire time to do or watch anything.
4.  It just lost its usability, more than likely because of my lifestyle and the fact that I was on my laptop more over my tablet.  I couldn't use it at work **, so obviously when I got home everyday, I'd use my laptop not my tablet!  It just became not very practical for me. 
5.  They are become less and less necessary as technology advances, considering most cellphones are about as big and fully capable!

Edit:  I wanted to add something here.  Tablets like the iPad and some new Galaxy tabs, require you to pay for 3G if you want to use them outside your home.  Most conventional tablets operate ONLY on Wifi.  This is why I edited this post and placed this info here, because I mentioned that I couldn't use my tablet at work.  There was no wifi where I was working so I could only use my tablet for 'offline' purposes!  And btw, we're talking about spending over $40 a month with either AT&T, Sprint and/or other companies to have 3G on your tablet.  Not a very good idea with your budget.

But anyway, to answer some of your questions:  You will not be able to find a really cheap tablet (-$350).  Why?  I have NO idea, to be honest, because as I said earlier they're losing their flare.  Also, most tablets are made simply for movie watching, playing music and playing games and/or browsing the internet.  You normally won't find a tablet that allows you to be an artist on it - there may be APPS you can download (usually not for free) but other than that, you're better off sticking to a drawing tablet.  

People tend to buy tablets because they are either businessman or following the "technology rave".  BE VERY WEARY of ultra cheap tablets, for example, this one from Ebay.  Funny enough, I bought myself a pink version of this tablet and boy was I disappointed.  Anything under $200 is going to be absolute crap.  This tablet is a Chinese knockoff, like most seen on Ebay for $100 or less, and they are made very poorly.  The operating system they are running on is extremely low end and the quality of a really cheap cellphone.

I know what it's like to be an artist and not have an outlet - or at least a technological one!  What I'd recommend to you is... well, a few things, based off of what you're willing to pay.

(1.)   You may want to consider getting an artist's/graphics tablet.
My recommendations for finding some, is looking up the ratings and sorting by rating on Amazon.com (this will also sort of 'educate you' because reading people's reviews on Amazon is a great way to learn tidbits!).  I did this myself for you and I found quite a few that you might enjoy. I know you mentioned that they may be unappealing, however some are very sleek, though this is just my opinion.  Smile

Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen Tablet  $299.99 NEW.
Wacom Intuos Pen and Touch Medium Tablet  $185.99 NEW.
USB Drawing Graphic Tablet Board  $75.99  Free Shipping.

(2.)  You save up for a touch-screen laptop.
This is not exactly something I'd advise you to do, however it is definitely an option. So in this regard, not only would you basically have a graphics tablet, you'd have it built in to the screen of your new laptop!  lol.  They are not cheap, however. 

ASUS VivoBook X202E-DH31T  $599.99 Free Shipping.
ASUS VivoBook Q200E-BSI3T08  $479.99 Free Shipping.
ASUS X202E-DB21T  $399.99 NEW.

(3.)  Actually buy one of the super cheap, super slow ripoff tablets.
Yes, I know.  But seriously, you can and if you're tight on money and really wanting one, go for it.  I'd just not hold your breath that you're going to not want to throw it into a wall the second it freezes or a webpage takes forever to load!  Razz

(4.)  Buy a nice graphics tablet and then buy a cheap Nook.
You mentioned you wanted books and reading, right?  Well the black and white Nooks are super cute, super comfortable to hold and I've know tons of people with them that said they were amazing.  They've made them more fancy as of late... and way more expensive, but you can find a reasonably priced one.  

Nook Simple Touch $59.00

These are all of the suggestions I can think of off the top of my head.  Smile

Moderator edit: Topic moved to "Hardware".

- Carlos
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Tablet Advice. Empty Re: Tablet Advice.

Post by Guest Tue 10 Dec 2013, 20:01

Thank you so much, this really helped! I have a laptop too, and from what you said I would probably treat a tablet the same as you did. I'm going to look into the drawing tablets, since my budget is tight and a tablet does not seem to fit what I wish to do. I'm very thankful that someone went through so much trouble to answer my question

thank you Sephymuffins I love you

Last edited by Isubasa on Tue 10 Dec 2013, 20:02; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : name did not show up)


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Tablet Advice. Empty Re: Tablet Advice.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 12 Dec 2013, 04:43

Just a small note on the reading thing: don't most of these tablet's screens "work" in the same way as "normal" computer screens ? If so, reading for longer periods will strain your eyes strongly.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm actually using a "dedicated" e-book reader (a Sony PRS-T2), which uses this "e-ink" thingy, making the reading experience quite comfortable, for my eyes at least. Smile  Other than that, I just take a good old book.

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