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Installing Expansions After Update/Crack

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Installing Expansions After Update/Crack Empty Installing Expansions After Update/Crack

Post by Guest Thu 31 Dec 2015, 17:46

Just a quick question.

Suppose I have already installed an expansion, updated and cracked the game, played it for some time, and now I want to install some of the expansions that I didn't install earlier.

If I just install those expansions will they work?


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Installing Expansions After Update/Crack Empty Re: Installing Expansions After Update/Crack

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 31 Dec 2015, 22:26

luckylavs wrote:Just a quick question.

Suppose I have already installed an expansion, updated and cracked the game, played it for some time, and now I want to install some of the expansions that I didn't install earlier.

If I just install those expansions will they work?


Just adding these expansions "on top" of your current installation should work fine. After you're finished though, make sure to re-apply the manual patch and then the "Ultimate fix". A.k.a. repeat the steps from 2 to 5 here:

Of course, there is no need to re-download the manual patch and the Ultimate fix. If you (still) have them, simply re-apply them. Good luck !
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