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When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up

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When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up Empty When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up

Post by Guest Fri 23 Dec 2016, 06:34

I'm sorry I'm quite new at this so maybe the answer is obvious but I am running into the same or similar issue to the above?

When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up:
When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up Sims%204%20installation%20issue

If i push ok enough times it continues with the installation but then there are issues with the c++ and when it does install it wont actually run. 

The response I saw above said to download and install it but I have no idea what it is or where to get it? When I try putting it into a browser I just get a "this site can not be reached" message. 

It's entirely possible I've made some mistake or missed some step but I can't seem to find my mistake whatever it is. I believe I've followed the below instructions.. but again I may have misread or missed something. 

(Posting a screenshot of both sets of instructions I'm working from in case I'm using the wrong ones.)
When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up Sims%204%20instructions%2012.22%20928pm
Thank you!


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When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up Empty Re: When I try to install the sims 4 base game (the one from here) the following pops up

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 23 Dec 2016, 19:03


Hello @Gaybe and welcome to the Forum,

I separated your message from the other topic. Please remember to generally open a new topic for your own issue(s). Smile

Is your Windows version 32-bit possibly? You don't need the vcredist_x64 if so!

If your Windows is 64-bit, you can get these installers from here as well:
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