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Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead?

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Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead? Empty Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead?

Post by Guest Thu 09 Feb 2017, 23:22


I downloaded and installed the complete store, and it worked fine, but slowed my game considerably - I noticed it mainly in CAS when trying to build sims.  It took SO long for all that hair to load, lol as well as the clothes and when you don't care for MOST of them, it just was not worth it to me.

So - I uninstalled the whole store - what I'm wondering is this - is there any way to upload sections of the store content - for example - there were a couple of worlds I LOVED and miss - there is ONE hairstyle I wish I had in game too.  Is there a way to install just parts of the store rather than the whole thing?  If so, could you please explain how to go about doing this?  

Also, when I uninstalled, I ended up with some Sims3pack files - are they still usable?  Do I need the store fix files to use them?

If I have to download just the items I want in game, do files still need to be 'decrapified'? Or does someone have all the store download files already decrapified that I can download from?

Sorry for all the questions!   Help


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Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead? Empty Re: Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Fri 10 Feb 2017, 11:58


We used to have a "complete store" on our downloadsserver here, but a lot of links went missing, unfortunately, and we haven't been able to fix it yet.
Our collection of worlds is almost complete (except Aurora Skies, for some reason, but I can upload that separately if you want it), and it doesn't hurt to check for the other items you want on the site.

Alternatively, you can use a mod that will, among other things, simplify your CAS screen to just one item of every CAS part, in stead of 3-8 recolours as well. I know from experience that it makes a lot of difference.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead? Empty Re: Complete Store Question - Can you choose parts instead?

Post by Guest Sat 11 Feb 2017, 22:59

That's unfortunate about the store links - I hope you can fix them! 

Thanks very much for the info though - got my worlds back!! Yay!


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