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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection Empty Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

Post by Guest Tue 11 Sep 2018, 11:48

Hi everyone,

I was so happy to see a download for the complete store collection and ofcourse, downloaded it immediately.
The guide states to copy/paste the DCBackup, Downloads, Library and Mods folder to the designated location. I'm wondering though if I could pick any folder or even any item within those folders?
It's a lot of stuff and I'm afraid to overload my pc that can play The Sims 3 complete collection just fine on medium settings. Just fine not great.

If yes, do I need to have the specific world/city in order to have an item that came with that world/city? Let's say Monte Vista's pizza oven without Monte Vista. My common sense says yes but who knows lol.
If not, would this collection put a lot of strain to my game?

Also, I have the Mr DJ's complete collection. The installation guide states to copy/paste the folders into C:\Electronics arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin but I don't have a game folder in that location. I do have C:Program Files(x86)\Mr DJ\Game. I would put them in the latter?

Thanks for any input on my questions Very Happy

Last edited by DumDum on Tue 11 Sep 2018, 11:56; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional question)


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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection Empty Re: Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 12 Sep 2018, 18:21

DumDum wrote:Hi everyone,

I was so happy to see a download for the complete store collection and ofcourse, downloaded it immediately.
The guide states to copy/paste the DCBackup, Downloads, Library and Mods folder to the designated location. I'm wondering though if I could pick any folder or even any item within those folders?
It's a lot of stuff and I'm afraid to overload my pc that can play The Sims 3 complete collection just fine on medium settings. Just fine not great.

If yes, do I need to have the specific world/city in order to have an item that came with that world/city? Let's say Monte Vista's pizza oven without Monte Vista. My common sense says yes but who knows lol.
If not, would this collection put a lot of strain to my game?

Also, I have the Mr DJ's complete collection. The installation guide states to copy/paste the folders into C:\Electronics arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin but I don't have a game folder in that location. I do have C:Program Files(x86)\Mr DJ\Game. I would put them in the latter?

Thanks for any input on my questions Very Happy

Hello and sorry for the late reply,

The reason the complete store collection "looks as is", was chosen deliberately. .sims3packs are tedious to install, one-by-one. Unless you are using something like CC Magic, it is going to be a pain. So no, you cannot really pick and choose with that store pack. I also believe you need to have the worlds installed in order to get the items that come with these worlds.

You can grab individual Sims 3 store items, still, from the old website:
Old website

Also, I'm not understanding your second question. Are you talking about the Ultimate Fix files? If so, I am not aware about the file structure of that repack (never grabbed it myself). But you have to put the Ultimate Fix files, where the TS3W.exe is located - the .exe, that starts your game.
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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection Empty Re: Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

Post by Guest Thu 13 Sep 2018, 00:45

Hi and thank you for your reply as well as the link to the individual store items I tip my fedora.

I did mean that location where the launch exe and where the Game folder would be. I guess since I have the repack it is named differently though the location is the same.

Now if I download the lots or a world, would that come with all the items of that lot or world? Or would I have to download those from the store item packages seperately?
Or are the three types (worlds, lots and store items) complete seperate things? I apologize for the noobness! I'm just dipping my toes into The Sims 3 and have little sense of what store items they released along the way.

If I did install the complete store collection, would I with the worlds be able to pick and choose since they need to be installed (selected through) with the Sims3launcher? Maybe?


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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection Empty Re: Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 13 Sep 2018, 16:12

DumDum wrote:Hi and thank you for your reply as well as the link to the individual store items I tip my fedora.

I did mean that location where the launch exe and where the Game folder would be. I guess since I have the repack it is named differently though the location is the same.

Now if I download the lots or a world, would that come with all the items of that lot or world? Or would I have to download those from the store item packages seperately?
Or are the three types (worlds, lots and store items) complete seperate things? I apologize for the noobness! I'm just dipping my toes into The Sims 3 and have little sense of what store items they released along the way.

If I did install the complete store collection, would I with the worlds be able to pick and choose since they need to be installed (selected through) with the Sims3launcher? Maybe?

As far as I remember, if you install a world file (.sims3pack) then all the items that come with it - such as the Monte Vista pizza oven - are also installed alongside the actual world.

And yes, since there are individual .sims3pack files for the worlds, in that case you could pick and choose. Although most people tend to opt for installing literally everything.

All the items in the G4TW Store collection thus far are .package files, except those worlds. This is because worlds must be installed with the launcher. I think it's theoretically possible to provide worlds in a non .sims3pack format as well, but we chose a simpler way, I guess.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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Favourite games : The Sims 3, L.A. Noire, Saints Row, Red Faction, Team Fortress 2, Overwatch, PvZ: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA: San Andreas, Counter-Strike, Hitman, Borderlands, The Binding of Isaac, Government simulation & Military strategy games, S.W.A.T. 4, GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Chessmaster XI, Monster Hunter: World, Paint the Town Red, The Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny 2.


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Location : Liechtenstein / Switzerland / Austria

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Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection Empty Re: Pick and choose from the Complete Store Collection

Post by Guest Fri 14 Sep 2018, 00:25

I ended up installing the complete collection after all. Though only three worlds. The seperate update downloads from the old site are in sims3pack format and from what I read that causes more strain on my game. Installing the complete collection went effortlessly.
And I'm happy to say the collection didn't slow the game Yess, aye lieeke! Admittedly, I only have two sim families and not much built but so far so happy!
If anyone's curious or worried if you can play The Sims 3 All-In-One+The Complete Store Collection on your pc: My specs are Intel Core i5-3470/3.20Ghz/8Gb ram/Intel graphics. And I'm fine, no lag but somewhat slow loading times.

At first glance I did run into some errors with the download though. I read a bunch on the forum and already expected some or more with my installing this.
- In CAS lots of blanks, mostly clothing. I can still put it on my sim but when exiting CAS it keeps loading. When picking items that do have the picture it's fine. In Buy mode only one blank same for Build mode. In Edit town all seems fine.
- In Buy/Build some objects won't let me pick a different color.
- In Buy/Build mode the object's icon of which you can buy in-game are still there but they are duplicated with the CC folder's icon which you are able to buy.

This mentioning is just a ''just so you know'' though. For me personally I'm good to go as I don't care much about sims's appearances but more so about the gameplay and building. Someone that loves CAS might not enjoy the blanks.

I appreciate your assistance, thank you very much!


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