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List of Items.

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List of Items. Empty List of Items.

Post by Guest Sun 02 Apr 2017, 17:23

Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance if this has already been posted. 

I have a lot of store items. Like a lot. Like most of them. Some of them appear as black spheres, which to my understanding just means that they weren't installed correctly. I want to avoid having to recall every single store item and download them separately. Does any one know of a catalog or a list of items by category some where on the internet? All the help would be greatly appreciated.


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List of Items. Empty Re: List of Items.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 02 Apr 2017, 19:01

Gilima26 wrote:Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance if this has already been posted. 

I have a lot of store items. Like a lot. Like most of them. Some of them appear as black spheres, which to my understanding just means that they weren't installed correctly. I want to avoid having to recall every single store item and download them separately. Does any one know of a catalog or a list of items by category some where on the internet? All the help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello @Gilima26,

The store items you installed, are the in the .sims3pack format? If so, it can be tricky to fix that, as you might have to uninstall literally everything and reinstall the .sims3pack items. As for the list, I'm not sure. Years ago I found this here:

But it seems it has not been updated since 2012 or so? Note that EA (I suppose also in an effort to make things more difficult for pirates) don't have any direct lists either, as they organize their store items along the lines of topic-specific "sets.
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List of Items. Empty Re: List of Items.

Post by Guest Mon 03 Apr 2017, 02:16

Thanks for the reply. That's what I was fearing. Hum. Oh well I guess I'll have to re-install. If anyone has all the store items in-game, could you tell me what $50 items you have on the Outdoor Section - Outdoor Activities bucket? That would really help me out. 

Thanks again.


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List of Items. Empty Re: List of Items.

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