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Converting store files to package files?

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Converting store files to package files? Empty Converting store files to package files?

Post by Guest Sun 16 Sep 2018, 03:13

Hello Anybody!

So here’s my problem , I’m pretty picky about the stuff I want in my game; I’m currently using the Complete Store files, which I love...But, it’s a HUGE file set and there’s a TON of stuff that I don’t want or need. (I’m looking at you weird Russian roof set). So I went through the old G4TW site where it gave you the option to grab individual store items the but problem with that is they’re all .sims3packs and I try to not use the launcher AT ALL if possible.

So, If use Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert the .simspack store files to .package files would my game be okay or would converting it completely break my game?

Thanks in advance, guys!


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Converting store files to package files? Empty Re: Converting store files to package files?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Mon 17 Sep 2018, 03:20

PizzaPartyForever wrote:Hello Anybody!

So here’s my problem , I’m pretty picky about the stuff I want in my game; I’m currently using the Complete Store files, which I love...But, it’s a HUGE file set and there’s a TON of stuff that I don’t want or need. (I’m looking at you weird Russian roof set). So I went through the old G4TW site where it gave you the option to grab individual store items the but problem with that is they’re all .sims3packs and I try to not use the launcher AT ALL if possible.

So, If use Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter to convert the .simspack store files to .package files would my game be okay or would converting it completely break my game?

Thanks in advance, guys!

My advice would be that in general, if your computer is strong enough, to just go for the complete store collection. However, if that is not the case and/or you really only want specific store items, there is a tool you can use:

CC Magic can also install .sims3pack files comfortably for you (except worlds: those still need to be installed with the launcher).

I don't recommend using the Multi-Extractor method, because you get lots of tiny .package files, which are extracted from their original .sims3pack file. And having too many individual .package files is known for slowing down your game performance even more. CC Magic kind of merges your .sims3pack files, into fewer .package files, but with a bigger size in the end...if that makes sense.
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