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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Guest Fri 31 Jan 2020, 21:02

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EA is asked about online play in The Sims


The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 XHFzJtAAkWsigkc7hg4Ha3-320-80
(Image credit: EA)

EA has alluded to the possibility of online play in The Sims series' future, saying that "social interaction and competition" will "start to become a part of The Sims experience in the years to come". This came during an EA earnings call, where CEO Andrew Wilson was asked about the idea of relaunching an online version of the game.
Wilson noted that The Sims is about to turn 20 years old, and discussed the idea of how the wider community enjoys comparing their creations in the game. The subject then turned to "The Sims for a new generation", with some discussion of how elements of The Sims Online could become part of the series down the line. 

"And so as Maxis continues to think about The Sims for a new generation across platforms in a cloud-enabled world, you should imagine that while we will always stay true to our inspiration, escape, creation, self improvement, motivations, that this notion of social interaction and competition, like the kind of things that were actually present in The Sims FreePlay – sorry, in The Sims Online many, many years ago, that they will start to become part of the ongoing Sims experience in the years to come," Wilson said. 
"We're very excited. This is a game that, it really doesn't have any competition in its category for delivering and fulfilling these motivations for players and we think it's a tremendous growth opportunity for us for many, many years to come." You can read the full transcript of the call here.



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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 28 Mar 2020, 01:30

Unesty wrote:@The_gh0stm4n (...) there used to be so much more traffic here when there was an expansion coming. 

I will keep on playing Sims 2 and Sims 3 happily until the end of time.

The Oldskool Sims games will still have value in the future, and not just on a nostalgic level. I see a lot of downloaders for the TS2 Origin Ultimate Collection here, for example, so that's very nice. And we'll have to see if we can do something on here as well, when - or if - Paralives comes out.

As for the rest, not everything was golden on here, "back in the days [of the old Admin and his staff]". In the early 2010s for example, you had a lot of people using this Forum to advertise their own & unrelated causes. Granted, the old Admin was a firm adherent of liberal & politically correct tenets, which he is entitled to, make no mistake. But what's more, if you open a platform, you can't immediately adopt a strict moderation policy. I guess I am the opposite, in that regard.

In the immediate aftermath of the old Admin leaving, this place was a total mess on so many levels. Eventually I ended up banning quite a lot of the "old people", or they left on their own. Not that any of them really added much value to the platform in the first place, but still. Usually their complaints boiled down to the policy of running download links through adverts (adfly/Linkvertise), which I've said many times, and I'll say it again, we will keep up no matter what. Some also pointed out the rather heavy-handed moderation. Which is also deliberate: I don't want people around here who do not fit our general 'mentality', or who just want to advertise their own (G4TW-unrelated) agendas.

The un-popularity of The Sims 4 certainly also plays a role here, but what I think is another major aspect, is the shift in attitudes towards piracy, both on a societal level and in terms of legal/political changes. These "ISP warning letters" for example weren't really a thing in the days of the old Admin. In fact, they didn't become frequent before the year 2015 (?) or so. Eventually some of the old users started arguing with us, but it is out of our hands. People need to use VPNs, or resort to direct downloads. And yes, people need to make an effort to inform themselves. Sometimes I seriously ask myself what these people use the damn smartphones for? If you get my 'spin'.

Differences in administration aside, you can't really compare the early 2010s with the early 2020s (and the time beyond).

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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Unesty Sat 28 Mar 2020, 21:20


I am happy Sims 2 is getting more downloads, I think that video of a youtuber, can't remember the name now, comparing the Sims 2&3&4 is the reason for that and thank him for it. I am glad the new generation realizes that there was something better before Sims 4 so they can ask for better things and not settle with what they got. 

I found this site in 2016, joined in 2017 I think by that time a lot of the "old people" you refer to were gone so I never met them, probably. I do remember even then though there were one or two people that caught my eye that can be one of the old guys you are talking about but I dunno. So I am comparing what I've noticed for the last 4 years.

Anti-piracy attitude seems to be rising in the "West" side of the world and in where I am we got bigger problems than a few pirated games so it's the same since I was a kid. I do notice in the younger generation here though with Steam and online access stuff they tend to buy the games more but they always pirate and see if it's good first. For me I buy it if I like it but the trouble with the new games for me is the DRMs. I really hate it that I have to log into Steam, Origin or whatever the hell they use to play a game. So I don't buy new games anymore because of that stupid piracy protection stuff. This is going off topic though.

Those ISP warning letters though, do they really have follow ups or are they only trying to scare kids?  Hmmm, sure?

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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 28 Mar 2020, 21:31

Ah, I was not actually referring to any actual age numbers. Very Happy  When I talk about "the old audience" on here, I usually mean the people who were around when the old Admin was still there.

Unesty wrote:Those ISP warning letters though, do they really have follow ups or are they only trying to scare kids?  Hmmm, sure?

It seems that in countries like America, they will "just" cancel your internet, if you get warned too often by the ISP. So yes, in a way it is a scare tactic. But usually, you won't get sued or anything. 

That's why people are increasingly using VPNs to obscure their home-IP-aadress, when torrenting stuff. Or at least, those people willing/able to pay money for such a VPN-subscription.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Freezer Bunny Wed 15 Apr 2020, 22:21

I wonder if that revelation about online play is also meant as a "signal for us here", that there won't be a crack for the game once it comes out! Why.

The_gh0stm4n wrote:Another factor to take into account is their design of monetization. This model of consistent and overpriced DLCs ... that is rather outdated. I don't think they will drop it completely, but I'm calling it now: EA will introduce some element of micro-transaction/pay-to-play into the online scheme, in line with other online games. EA had something like that, with the monthly installations of "The Sims 3 store items", back then. Such a model was dropped for TS4 though, and some people speculate it may have to do with disappointing sales. But still, I bet it will see a comeback in The Sims 5, one way or another.

I believe there will be both micro-transactions and your 'classic' expansions/stuffpacks. People have gotten so used to the format, I doubt EA would drop it completely.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Unesty Thu 16 Apr 2020, 10:39

metrice2121 wrote:

"And so as Maxis continues to think about The Sims for a new generation across platforms in a cloud-enabled world, you should imagine that while we will always stay true to our inspiration, escape, creation, self improvement, motivations, that this notion of social interaction and competition, like the kind of things that were actually present in The Sims FreePlay – sorry, in The Sims Online many, many years ago, that they will start to become part of the ongoing Sims experience in t
"We're very excited. This is a game that, it really doesn't have any competition in its category for delivering and fulfilling these motivations for players and we think it's a tremendous growth opportunity for us for many, many years to come." You can read the full transcript of the call here.


What does he mean with "no competition"? No competition in the life simulation area or no competition between players in the sims game? 
If its the first one then, well, competition is coming, thank god. If its the second one then I play the sims because there is no competition in game, I'm guessing a lot of people does it this way.  Hmmm, sure? 
I remember online talks in Sims 3 actually. They ended up not doing it then but I dunno. If they do it in the sims 5 then it means we'll get an even lesser version of the sims 4. They will trim more content down and it will have micro transactions and honestly why would I pay for a game to keep on paying. 
They did this thing with Battlefront 2. It had so many microtransactions and guess what they ended up doing. They made all of the skins etc free at the end because of the backlash they got. Problem with the sims community, as i see it, they are children and they are spending their parents money so they dont know the value of the money yet. Sims team knows this and they think they wont get a backlash, I guess we'll wait and see what happens.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Freezer Bunny Sun 19 Apr 2020, 23:57

Unesty wrote:What does he mean with "no competition"? No competition in the life simulation area or no competition between players in the sims game? 

Maybe that's a hint that the online-portion of the game will be based on confrontation or competition between various Sims players, in the online world. After all, it's the business model of many of these companies that they deliberately encourage confrontational behavior between players. And because not everybody can possibly win, there will always be a "supply" of players who fall short, and will be inclined to spend money on micro-transactions.

No shit, Sherlock.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Guest Mon 20 Apr 2020, 00:14

Unesty wrote:What does he mean with "no competition"? No competition in the life simulation area or no competition between players in the sims game? 
If its the first one then, well, competition is coming, thank god. If its the second one then I play the sims because there is no competition in game, I'm guessing a lot of people does it this way.  Hmmm, sure? 
I remember online talks in Sims 3 actually. They ended up not doing it then but I dunno. If they do it in the sims 5 then it means we'll get an even lesser version of the sims 4. They will trim more content down and it will have micro transactions and honestly why would I pay for a game to keep on paying. 
They did this thing with Battlefront 2. It had so many microtransactions and guess what they ended up doing. They made all of the skins etc free at the end because of the backlash they got. Problem with the sims community, as i see it, they are children and they are spending their parents money so they dont know the value of the money yet. Sims team knows this and they think they wont get a backlash, I guess we'll wait and see what happens.

I think they just meant "no competition", as in "no other comparable game as The Sims". Which is true for the most part. If something is firmly established, there's little point in competing with the big players. Think GTA vs. Saints Row. The latter tried keeping up with GTA, but then they decided to take an entirely different approach, which I think was the right thing to do. Saints Row would not have worked out, if they were simply a poorly-made copy of GTA.

Same with Sims now: as much as I'd also like to see more competition in that arena, it's not very realistic.


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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Mynxie Mon 20 Apr 2020, 09:10

Freezer Bunny wrote:
Unesty wrote:What does he mean with "no competition"? No competition in the life simulation area or no competition between players in the sims game? 

Maybe that's a hint that the online-portion of the game will be based on confrontation or competition between various Sims players, in the online world. After all, it's the business model of many of these companies that they deliberately encourage confrontational behavior between players. And because not everybody can possibly win, there will always be a "supply" of players who fall short, and will be inclined to spend money on micro-transactions.

No shit, Sherlock.

Exactly! There is no money to be made if players are staring at each other all day! EA being the greedy company that it is will create an incentive for kids to steal their parents Amex to go on an EA shopping spree! The thought of EA developing The Sims 5 with micro-transactions and multiplayer functions blows my mind! You would think EA would be trying to redeem themselves by creating a traditional one-player Sims game with stunning Sims 4 based graphics, gameplay inspired by Sims 2-4, and much, much more. The possibilities are endless! 

Instead, The Sims 5 will just be another EA cash cow with sub-par gameplay and features. It doesn't hurt to dream, though.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Unesty Mon 20 Apr 2020, 20:45

Rudi50 wrote:
Unesty wrote:What does he mean with "no competition"? No competition in the life simulation area or no competition between players in the sims game?
If its the first one then, well, competition is coming, thank god. If its the second one then I play the sims because there is no competition in game, I'm guessing a lot of people does it this way. Hmmm, sure?

I remember online talks in Sims 3 actually. They ended up not doing it then but I dunno. If they do it in the sims 5 then it means we'll get an even lesser version of the sims 4. They will trim more content down and it will have micro transactions and honestly why would I pay for a game to keep on paying.
They did this thing with Battlefront 2. It had so many microtransactions and guess what they ended up doing. They made all of the skins etc free at the end because of the backlash they got. Problem with the sims community, as i see it, they are children and they are spending their parents money so they dont know the value of the money yet. Sims team knows this and they think they wont get a backlash, I guess we'll wait and see what happens.

I think they just meant "no competition", as in "no other comparable game as The Sims". Which is true for the most part. If something is firmly established, there's little point in competing with the big players. Think GTA vs. Saints Row. The latter tried keeping up with GTA, but then they decided to take an entirely different approach, which I think was the right thing to do. Saints Row would not have worked out, if they were simply a poorly-made copy of GTA.

Same with Sims now: as much as I'd also like to see more competition in that arena, it's not very realistic.

I don't agree that they cant compete. Maybe it didnt work out in that particular case but I know that Cities:Skylines is a much better sequal to the SimCity games. Just look at some videos comparing the SimCity 2013 and Cities:Skylines you'll see. If you want numbers Cities:Skylines sold more than the SimCity 4&2013.
That's why probably I have more hope that an indie developer would do a better jobe of making a life simulation game we want, the way Sims should've been...


Edit: There is somethng I forgot to add and that if the holder of the franchise made a good addition to their game. In GTA 's case they did. GTA V is pretty much amazing and what people expected&wanted from a next installment. I havent played 4 or 3 though I mean GTA V is pretty good. 
SimCity and Sims didn't give their players what they want from the game. That's why the competition of SimCity was able to sell more than it. Also it was cheaper. 
There are a lot of unknowns about the future of the life simulation, but I wouldnt cross out indie developers before we see what they cooked up.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Freezer Bunny Tue 21 Apr 2020, 19:23

Mynxie wrote:Exactly! There is no money to be made if players are staring at each other all day! EA being the greedy company that it is will create an incentive for kids to steal their parents Amex to go on an EA shopping spree! The thought of EA developing The Sims 5 with micro-transactions and multiplayer functions blows my mind! You would think EA would be trying to redeem themselves by creating a traditional one-player Sims game with stunning Sims 4 based graphics, gameplay inspired by Sims 2-4, and much, much more. The possibilities are endless! 

Instead, The Sims 5 will just be another EA cash cow with sub-par gameplay and features. It doesn't hurt to dream, though.

@Mynxie, what's an "Amex"? Oh wait, you probably mean the credit card! Silly me. Facepalm Razz  Yes, the effect of micro-transactions can be intoxicating to some. Imagine kids using credit cards in The Sims 5 to keep buying hairstyles, clothes, and so forth.

And isn't there some other company that's trying to monetize user-made items, was it Bethesda with their "Fallout Creation Club" or whatever the name was? I personally don't hope EA will be crazy enough to do that, but if you think about it.

In a way, the Gallery in TS4 is insofar exclusive, as only players with at least the base game on Origin could access it. Virtually everybody publishes their creations on said Gallery, and people (with cracked games) keep asking all the time "how to upload stuff from the cracked game to the Gallery". In other words, how to be part of this "exclusive club". Again, I hope I'm wrong, but things might get ugly.

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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Guest Tue 21 Apr 2020, 19:53

Unesty wrote:Edit: There is somethng I forgot to add and that if the holder of the franchise made a good addition to their game. In GTA 's case they did. GTA V is pretty much amazing and what people expected&wanted from a next installment. I havent played 4 or 3 though I mean GTA V is pretty good. 
SimCity and Sims didn't give their players what they want from the game. That's why the competition of SimCity was able to sell more than it. Also it was cheaper. 
There are a lot of unknowns about the future of the life simulation, but I wouldnt cross out indie developers before we see what they cooked up.

@Unesty, I've played GTA Online on PC (which is part of GTA V), and sure it's good for its intended audience. But I'm dreading the possibility that the monetization of TS5 will be in any way similar to GTA V. The way the online-portion of GTA V works is that DLC content is locked behind expensive paywalls, and you need in-game money for that. I believe someone earlier in the thread already gave a quick summary. But basically, the quickest way to gather in-game money is to do these businesses. You buy/accumulate/steal product for your business, and then you launch a sale mission. These missions usually involve moving some vehicle from point A to point B. Sometimes you also have multiple drop-off points.

Now remember that most of these business delivery vehicles are slow-moving and defenseless trucks, and you have to do these missions in public lobbies, where any player can interfere with you. Even if you are very good at PVP, and you bring some friends along who are also good at PVP, there's always gonna be a certain risk that your delivery mission fails. For example, a military jet can come out of nowhere and basically blow you up. Then there's orbital cannons which can hit you pretty much with no advance warning whatsoever.

And either way it's being said that this aspect of "cargo griefing" makes up a large part of Rockstar's business model in GTA Online, in that people who lose their cargo "might be" more inclined to make up for their loss by spending money on micro-transactions.

The Sims 5 will be more friendly probably. I can imagine fashion shows or whatever, where players in the lobby can vote for a winner or something. But it's possible of course that not everybody can win, and those people might also wanna try and compensate by buying in-game simoleons.


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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 23 Apr 2020, 22:26

Well, I guess what we can learn from the previous comments here is that EA will have plenty of opportunity to "learn" the art of micro-transactions, from other game publishers! Personally I'd still prefer paying a bit more up-front for a PC game when it comes out, rather than spending tiny bits of money over time for a multitude of mini-DLCs. I know, that sounds so old-fashioned and 1990s-like. And indeed, it's not so much a thing anymore these days.

Seeing how often they make general announcements about the TS4 Gallery, as seen for example here:

I can imagine that in an online environment in TS5, certain contests and events will be done more frequently. Building houses, season-themed events & clothing, and so forth.

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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by Unesty Thu 23 Apr 2020, 23:27

I mean I was a baby in the 90s but I agree with you @the_gh0stm4n, I don't like micro-transations in a fully paid video game.

That contests you mentioned reminded me the latest contest they did. Only the people from the 38 countries or so was able to actually win it. Who wants to bet it is going to be the same when TS5 comes out with its online stuff? 

I am gonna make another prediction that, ts5 will be online and full online access is not gonna work out well. They will end up adding an offline mode 1 year into the launch. Before that happens pirate scene will crack the game.
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The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features! - Page 2 Empty Re: The Sims 5 is actually coming with new features!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 24 Apr 2020, 01:22

Unesty wrote:That contests you mentioned reminded me the latest contest they did. Only the people from the 38 countries or so was able to actually win it. Who wants to bet it is going to be the same when TS5 comes out with its online stuff? 

Local laws can - and do! - affect online games as well. Because it was mentioned by a few commenters before, let's take again GTA: Online as an example here. In one of their recent DLCs, the "Diamond Casino and Resort", casinos were introduced where you could play with your virtual in-game currency. And yes, while the game itself is played all over the world (rumor has it that even the brats of North Korean elites are playing it), this particular aspect of in-game gambling is not allowed everywhere apparently. If you connect to the game from an IP-address in a country where online gambling is outlawed, then you simply won't have the casino. Which has led some people to bypass this by using VPNs.

Speaking of which, has anybody been able to use VPNs with Origin lately? On my end, it keeps putting me in "Offline mode" whenever I'm connected to the VPN, but it works just fine from my home internet connection. I suspect that design is deliberate, and is supposed to "prevent certain things"; such as e.g. North American or even some European players connecting via VPN to the Mexican Origin store in order to buy games cheaper there.

I guess EA/Origin will just hard-block known IP-addresses of VPNs, as so many services now do (e.g. Netflix). Thereby preventing people to cheat the system in possible future competitions.

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