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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 11:42


I am following the helpful steps to run faster The Sims 3 prior to this: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/138382.page

So I am actually stuck at step 2, regarding FPS Limiter. I don't know exactly what original shortcut of the game means. Is it the .limited file found in the FPS Limiter folder OR the TS3.exe file found in program files/Electronic Arts/The Sims3/ Game/ Bin ? I am wondering this bacause I don't know which one of them the original shortcut of the game is in order to update correctly the game in the future.

It is also recommended to put the FPS folder in the hard driver, but not in program files. Is it ok if I put it there? :

FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Fps_li10

Thanks a lot for all the pieces of advice that you guys have already given to me ! These were of the greatest help !!

Mod edit: Topic moved to the right section.

- Lady ElDi


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 07 Mar 2012, 11:50

I'll leave this question for WhitePath to answer, who suggested the program in the first place. I have no experience with it myself.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 15:34

Hello ^_^

The TS3.exe file from your Bin directory of The Sims 3.

If you have problems with it, just ask me Smile


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 16:24

Hi WhitePath!

OK thanks for answering Smile

I have a last question: After I switch to gaming mode, when I run the game via the new file's shortcut there is a window that opens 1 second and disappears as quick as it has opened. Then I wait but the game won't load.

What can I do? I did every step like it was written and my only doubt is about where to put exactly the FPS folder. Personally, I put it in : C:/(FPS limiter)

Otherwise, I tried to run the game through the normal way just to check the gameBooster effect and it actually did a great job! so thank you Smile


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 16:27

Well, the FPS Limited was kinda optional, it can keep your computer's heating level to low, but if your computer doesn't act like ''too hot'' or something like that, gamebooster is enough Smile

Happy Simming! The Sims 3 plumbob ^_^


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 07 Mar 2012, 16:49

WhitePath wrote:Well, the FPS Limited was kinda optional, it can keep your computer's heating level to low, but if your computer doesn't act like ''too hot'' or something like that, gamebooster is enough Smile

Happy Simming! The Sims 3 plumbob ^_^

Gamebooster has made a lot of difference for me over the past 8 months that I have used it, I'd recommend it to anyone.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 17:27

I'd recommended it too ! Smile Before I used it, the game was so slow that the speed 1 and speed 3 were actually the same...

Smile I will now enjoy my game more than ever FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 611149516! Smile thank you


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 21:19

Hello, and sorry for butting in!

I too am following this tutorial and I was wondering; It says that you have to use either the TS3.exe file or the TS3EP01.exe, does this still apply (if you choose the TS3EP01.exe) even if you have all expansions/Stuff packs? Smile Or should I choose the .exe file from the latest EP/SP?

...Or should I just go with the TS3.exe?

English is not my first language but I hope you can still understand what I'm asking Smile


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 22:43

I think you should just use the TS3.exe that is in the Sims 3 (base game)
even if you have all/some expansions Smile


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 22:54

Thanks for the help, it's much appreciated! Smile
Just want everything to be ready for the new EP!


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

Post by Guest Wed 07 Mar 2012, 23:06

So am I! Smile


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FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3 Empty Re: FPS limiter to run faster the sims 3

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