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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED] Empty Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sun 01 May 2011, 04:22

I downloaded the sims medieval from the pirate bay, then installed it. Did all the fun stuff I've read about (like, changing .ex_ to .exe) I have downloaded and put the ultimate fix in the right location. So I started the game and got through the tutorial and so on. I go to save and quit, and it looks like it'll save for a split second, then nothing. Save as doesn't work and neither does save and quit. It just sits there and won't even quit if I try without saving. So I uninstalled the game and tried everything again. Now it says that there is no disk after I got through the loading screen. So I did Crtl Alt Delete (The only way to get out of the game) and tried putting the fix in again in case it didn't work or something. It says I need administrative permission to replace the .dll file. I am the administrator. So I am very confused on what to do now...Any help would be great. Thanks.

Admin edit: Topic moved to right section.


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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

Post by Admin Sun 01 May 2011, 12:40


First of all, looks like you didn't download from ® Games4theworld Downloads, because ours doesn't require changing .ex_ to .exe.

Your problem should be solved by this Fix: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t916-the-sims-medieval-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems

Can you send me a screenshot of the Administrative stuff error?
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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sun 01 May 2011, 23:57

Admin wrote:Hello,

First of all, looks like you didn't download from ® Games4theworld Downloads, because ours doesn't require changing .ex_ to .exe.

Your problem should be solved by this Fix: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t916-the-sims-medieval-ultimate-fix-should-fix-most-of-your-problems

Can you send me a screenshot of the Administrative stuff error?

I'm having the same issue with saving. It'll look like it's saving for 1 second, then it goes right back to gameplay. I downloaded the fix and everything from this site, but the issue is saving with the new patch. Before 1.3 I could save with no problem.


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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Mon 02 May 2011, 00:07

Check out the "I can't get out." thread, here: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1065-i-can-t-get-out

You are not alone.

Admin edit: Again, thank you; there's no use in opening the same topic again.



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Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED] Empty Re: Sims Medieval not saving/quitting and administrative permission? [CLOSED]

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