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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 25 Mar 2013, 22:15


I'm a little unsure about what the guide is telling me for installing the store fixes. It says that if you're using sims3packages the put it to (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages and if you're using package files then in to (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Overrides. What am I supposed to do if I rebuild Sims3packages with CCMagic, where do I put the store fixes then?
Also, I'm a bit unsure what does the guide mean by:

2. Open (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup and find a .package file called "ccmerged.package".
If it’s not there, unrar "ccmerged.package" and place the .package file in this folder. Never rename this package!

Above this it reads: **NOTE**: If you’re using Awesomemod, you SHOULD NOT use "StoreFix_UnAwesome.package". <-- Is that related to the above #2 guideline in any way? I'm confused, am I supposed to do #2 regardless of if I have or don't have Awesomemod and what folder does it mean by "place the .package file in this folder"?

Thank you for your guidance.


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 16:43

Hello? Anyone? Can't ANYONE clarify these things for me? Sorry don't want to seem like a whiny person, but it's been several days and 54 people have seen this post and there's been no progress. So please somebody help me!

Thanks again.


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 18:20

Sorry I'm not going to be as much help as you probably want. But if so many people have viewed this post and haven't answered, maybe they don't want to waste the time to state the obvious, or just don't know. I guess I'll state the obvious... don't rebuild the packages. Unrar and put them where the guide tells you to put them. Why would you rebuild them anyway. Aren't they perfectly fine the way they are? I'm not 100% savvy on the "rebuilding of packages", but I'm assuming it's unnecessary in this situation. Simplest thing to do would be to unrar, place them where they need to go.

And the whole "Awesomemod" question... that is also very simple to me at least. Are you using the awesomemod? Yes or no. If yes, DON'T place the storefix_unawesome anywhere, just delete it. If No, you are not using the mod, then just put the storefix_unawesome package where it says to put it. No?


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:19

When I was asking about how to use CCMagic, Lady ElDi taught me how to use it in a simple way and the end result was to rebuild them because of the sheer amount of Store content I have. Also my games are bought, not cracked so there's no point for me to start the game through CCMagic.

Also, I'm not using Awesomemod and when I wrote this, I already then knew that I don't use the storefix_unawesome.
I was asking if that section of the guide had anything to do with #2 guideline that I also high-lighted. I wanted to know that, do I do what #2 tells me to do regardless of if I use or don't use Awesomemod (I don't, so do I still do what #2 tells me to?) and what folder is the guide talking about when it says "this folder"?


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:28

Here is what the guide says if you are using PACKAGE files, which is what you are using, correct???

=> If you’re using .package files:

1. Place "StoreFix_DecrapFixes.package", "StoreFix_Fixes.package" and "StoreFix_UnAwesome.package" in:
(My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Overrides.

**NOTE**: If you’re using Awesomemod, you SHOULD NOT use "StoreFix_UnAwesome.package".

2. Place "ccmerged.package" in: (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages.

Therefore, you don't need to worry about "2. Open (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup and find a .package file called "ccmerged.package".
If it’s not there, unrar "ccmerged.package" and place the .package file in this folder. Never rename this package!" because that is for if you are using .Sims3Pack files which you are not... correct? So why would you be reading instructions for something you are NOT using?!? That is slightly confusing to me... if you are using package files, you need to follow the instructions in the guide that says "=> If you’re using .package files:" Why are you so confused? When you merge your files, does it create a .Sims3Pack file??? No? it creates a .package file? Then follow the directions on the store fix install that pertains to .package files! Shocked

And to actually answer your question, the answer is in the guide... your question is this: "and what folder is the guide talking about when it says "this folder"? " And the guide clearly states this: "2. Open (My) Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup and find a .package file called "ccmerged.package". If it’s not there, unrar "ccmerged.package" and place the .package file in this folder. Never rename this package! " The folder in which they are asking you to put the unrar'd .package file is the ...\DCBackup folder. "Open so and so folder... find file... if file is not there, unrar and put the file that comes out the unrar into that folder. <~~~ That was sort of in laymen's terms Wink


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:43

Sorry, I forgot that the ModBUILD files are package files. I was thinking they were something else. When I'm tired and start overthinking, I completely mess things up. Thanks for the help

Oh boy do I feel embarrassed now. Embarassed Me and my stupid overthinking brain.

I wish the earth would just swallow me up.


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:49

It wasn't my intentions to make you feel embarrassed or stupid Razz I just was confused as to why you were following instructions on something that did not pertain to you. Everyone needs to learn and I guess my way of "teaching" is a bit heavy handed and not so warm 'n fuzzy feeling! Hang in there and just slap me around a bit when I get mouthy! I'm good for it! Smile


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:53

No, you were doing a good job at teaching, my brain just didn't compute that you were telling me I was looking at the wrong information for my needs. Again, thanks for clearing things up for this royal mess called my brain.


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 28 Mar 2013, 19:55

LOL! your brain is just fine! You are able to figure out how to navigate and post on this forum, so that's saying something! Wink also, I go back and have to re-read the guide every single time I update the store fixes! You'd think I'd have the bloody thing memorized by now for as long as I've been messing around w/ the sims! Very Happy


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Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED] Empty Re: Confused by Store fixes installation guide.[SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 28 Mar 2013, 22:23


Good to hear your question was answered and my apologies for the lack of reply from the staff. It seems that we're all a bit overwhelmed with real life at the moment. I know I am Laughing
But don't let that discourage you from starting a topic if you have questions or problems again. I'm sure it's all temporary.
Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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