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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 06 May 2013, 19:18

The game keeps spawning a Weather Stone every time I load the game, and I have no idea why. I tried removing my CC, clearing the cache, created several new games on two versions of The Sims 3 (G4TW and a RePack), nothing.

It's a game issue that started after University Life, anybody else having this?


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 06 May 2013, 19:39

Hello Tun3r

Sadly I have not had this issue before and seems that Google is not throwing up any results either.

The only thing I can suggest and try is to remove the sims 3 folder from documents and restart the game and let it generate a near to fresh version.

Once you done that I would like you to slowly put back things llike saved games and your content in small batches and remembering what is in each batch starting the game letting it run for 10 minutes

Hopefully this will fix your issue and may even find the cause off the issue


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 06 May 2013, 23:55

Already done that.


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by invalidusername Tue 07 May 2013, 03:11

Actually, I have something similar happen, although mine is only when travelling. It makes sure to do the whole big deal about the weather stone each time I change worlds. I haven't found a cause for it, as it's done this even when I was playing without extras. Is your game spawning multiples, or is it almost like it's just resetting that one?
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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 10:11

invalidusername wrote:Actually, I have something similar happen, although mine is only when travelling. It makes sure to do the whole big deal about the weather stone each time I change worlds. I haven't found a cause for it, as it's done this even when I was playing without extras. Is your game spawning multiples, or is it almost like it's just resetting that one?

Spawning multiple stones, I think I have one in almost every venue now...

Well not really since I delete them with testingcheats, but you get the idea.

I found a few topics with this problem on thesims3.com, but none of them with solutions.


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 10:13

Do you have Traveler mod?


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 11:42

Shamrock wrote:Do you have Traveler mod?

Yeah, but screw it. Doesn't matter, I'm tired of this stupid ass game.

Since I posted this I've had one problem after another, none of which made any sense. Hope I'm not offending anyone by saying the truth: but you'd have to be one major league moron to buy this game.

You can lock this admin.


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 11:44

Wait, there's an option in Traveler Mod: see here about spawning weather stones...
Maybe you can check there....


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 07 May 2013, 12:07

TUN3R wrote:The game keeps spawning a Weather Stone every time I load the game, and I have no idea why. I tried removing my CC, clearing the cache, created several new games on two versions of The Sims 3 (G4TW and a RePack), nothing.

It's a game issue that started after University Life, anybody else having this?

Hello there,

Now that's a crazy bug. And if you are willing to experiment a little, this might be worth a try (as crazy as it might sound):
-BACKUP your savefiles (Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/ Saves) to a safe place !
-Download and install "MasterController" (if you haven't done that yet).
-Start the game, then go into "World View" mode.
-Click on the city hall, then go to NRAAS/Master Controller and search for an option called "reset all". The resetting might take some time.
-Now save the game and exit afterwards. Then re-start the game and see what happens.
-If you encounter any problems with the save, copy your backup save back in.

However, if you've played that game for a while, you might have realised that if certain parameters exist (all sorts of Sim interactions, weather changes, etc.), the game goes mad. Imagine a person having allergic reactions if some "parameters" are given - that's the same.
But then, if you say this also happens in new savegames, I'm not sure...

What could be another issue: before patching the base game & installing expansions, you should disable your "Mods" folder (it's enough to rename it), since it is possible that during updating or installing the mods somehow alter the game. Sounds crazy ? It is, but this is what is generally recommended to do.
As for a solution to this, I would try uninstalling and re-installing Seasons, but you might want to wait for a second opinion.

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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 13:37

What mods were you using?


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 07 May 2013, 16:47

Can't try any of those. Another issue I'm having is that the game now crashes on start-up after I deleted Nraas's Story Progression mod (which I never really used cause the general idea of Story Progression is, well... stupid).

I tried running without The Sims 3 Documents and it still crashes.

Yeah so I got it working and I looked for the Traveler option but I couldn't
find it. Tried on the City Hall and the Computer and it wasn't there,
the only available options were:

-Prompt to save
-Show Debug Menu
-Travel World cost per day
-Version (57)
-Total Reset

Last edited by TUN3R on Fri 10 May 2013, 00:45; edited 2 times in total


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 09 May 2013, 15:57


I was recently on the Nraas forum looking for my own issue and your version of Traveler seems to be bugged, and, you're about 7 versions behind. The most recent version is 64, and the option you're looking for is marked as "new" so you may have to update the Traveler mod.
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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 12 May 2013, 11:39

Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,

I was recently on the Nraas forum looking for my own issue and your version of Traveler seems to be bugged, and, you're about 7 versions behind. The most recent version is 64, and the option you're looking for is marked as "new" so you may have to update the Traveler mod.

Yeah it works now thanks Lady ElDi! You are my heroin! *sniff*


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 12 May 2013, 12:59

TUN3R wrote:
Lady ElDi wrote:Hello,

I was recently on the Nraas forum looking for my own issue and your version of Traveler seems to be bugged, and, you're about 7 versions behind. The most recent version is 64, and the option you're looking for is marked as "new" so you may have to update the Traveler mod.

Yeah it works now thanks Lady ElDi! You are my heroin! *sniff*

Glad you finally got this issue fixed, happy Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] 611149516


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Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Weather Stones, Weather Stones everywhere!. [SOLVED]

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