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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:15

So, the title is part of the problem. My sims 3 launcher says it is unable to connect to launcher. Also when I click the play button it says it can't find the disk of sims3(tm)Pets. Does someone know what to do against this. Thanx.

Oh, just to say it out loud I am still a Noob  in all of this, s the explaination would have to be clear... SORRY!


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:18

Did you apply the Ultimate Fix?
Is your game up to date?


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:25

yeah it is. I even checked it just now, and when I try to do patch-thingy again it says it is up to date, and the fix thing I also just did again. Still nothing...

When I installed everything I did every step of the Must read, and the installation guides with the things. All the torrents I have are from games4theworld, so it's not like the torrents collaps in some freaky way.


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:32

Please show us a screenshot of where you're trying to place the files from the Crack folder of the Ultimate Fix...


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:43


It doesn't matter if it says ''Unable to connect to Origin'', you can still play the game. who cares about connecting to Origin?

And did you apply the Ultimate Fix correctly? Just in case, watch this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1889-how-to-apply-the-the-sims-3-ultimate-fix-instruction-video-new


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:44


I don't get how that works here, but this should be it.
It's just as it says Computer, OS(C:), Programs (x86), Electronic Arts, Sims 3, Game, Bin and then replace


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Tue 02 Jul 2013, 23:51

You can try my latest invention, the Ultimate Fix Helper!


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by Guest Wed 03 Jul 2013, 00:02

yeah, so that doesn't quit work..

I have tried, downloads, the places I keep my torrents, documents. Any place you know it can be for certain?

Nvm, found my mistake. Let's try again.


Okay, so it is probably me. But I don't get that Helper to work.


What am I doing wrong here?


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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

Post by The_gh0stm4n Wed 03 Jul 2013, 05:13

MMerel96 wrote:So, the title is part of the problem. My sims 3 launcher says it is unable to connect to launcher. Also when I click the play button it says it can't find the disk of sims3(tm)Pets. Does someone know what to do against this. Thanx.

Oh, just to say it out loud I am still a Noob  in all of this, s the explaination would have to be clear... SORRY!


I suppose you downloaded the "Pets" expansions from "Games4TheWorld" ? There are two versions of it, namely "Pets" and "Pets [FIXED]". If you downloaded the first one (so NOT the "fixed" one), then this here might interest you: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t2251-the-sims-3-pets-please-insert-disk-1-official-fix

Good luck !


If this doesn't apply to you, then keep in mind that if you use the big "manual patch" for updating your game, then it is enough when you use the two files from the #crack-folder in the Ultimate fix. You just have to copy these two files (TS3W.exe + TSLHost.dll) into C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin (of course, replace the existing files).
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Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin". Empty Re: Launcher says it is "Unable to connect to Orgin".

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