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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 13 Jun 2011, 23:24

It is a problem of missing items and machinery, furniture, etc. in the sims 3
..example, generation are four cars in the sims but I have only two.

I was wrong when I installed the game somewhere?
i have full game , All expansion and stuff , but I think many are missing from the game what to do?


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 13 Jun 2011, 23:34

I'm not sure how you would be missing any items. Does the game tell you that you are missing files? If so, do you get an error? What does it say?


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Mon 13 Jun 2011, 23:41

no errors nothing . Mad

maybe that is the problem ?


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 01:58

No, if there are no errors then there likely isn't anything missing. Perhaps somebody told you there was more but not as much as you were thinking perhaps. You could always try reinstalling. Take a look at my guide, try it that way and see if it fixes your problem perhaps.

The message in the image is normal, even I get that, but the game runs normally.


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 03:27

I did as you said, but look I do not appear to do update 4.10.1 to The Sims™ 3 Ambitions

* Install “The Sims 3”
> Update “The Sims 3” to version 1.22.9
* Install “The Sims 3; World Adventures”
> Update “The Sims 3; World Adventures” to version 2.17.2
* Install “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff”
> Update “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff” to version 3.13.1
* Install “The Sims 3; Ambitions”
> Update “The Sims 3; Ambitions” to version 4.10.1


Edit: I did ok, but I downloaded the origin to the game can be updated


Now i have another problem look .

* Install “The Sims 3”
> Update “The Sims 3” to version 1.22.9
* Install “The Sims 3; World Adventures”
> Update “The Sims 3; World Adventures” to version 2.17.2
* Install “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff”
> Update “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff” to version 3.13.1
* Install “The Sims 3; Ambitions”
> Update “The Sims 3; Ambitions” to version 4.10.1
* Install “The Sims 3; Fast Lane Stuff”
> Update “The Sims 3; Fast Lane Stuff” to version 5.8.1
* Install “The Sims 3; Late Night”
> Update “The Sims 3; Late Night” to version 6.5.1
* Install “The Sims 3; Outdoor Living Stuff”

I started to install The Sims 3, Outdoor Living Stuff and look what appears https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/191/unledoj.png/


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 05:04

This is normal. I still get that message when installing. The game still works just fine for me even though I get that message when installing and updating.


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 05:08

Can I press ok and continue the installation?


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 05:15



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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Tue 14 Jun 2011, 15:34


As long as you don't apply any cracks, you can safely update.
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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 16:53

It is good?

* Install “The Sims 3” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3” to version 1.22.9 [Update Perfectly ]
* Install “The Sims 3; World Adventures” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3; World Adventures” to version 2.17.2 [Update Perfectly ]
* Install “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3; High-End Loft Stuff” to version 3.13.1 [Update Perfectly ]
* Install “The Sims 3; Ambitions” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3; Ambitions” to version 4.10.1 [EA Download Manager not going to do update,I installed the origin and did update : Update Error https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/851/unledwjz.png/ ]
* Install “The Sims 3; Fast Lane Stuff” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3; Fast Lane Stuff” to version 5.8.1 [Update Error https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/851/unledwjz.png/ ]
* Install “The Sims 3; Late Night” [Installed Perfectly ]
> Update “The Sims 3; Late Night” to version 6.5.1 [Update Error https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/851/unledwjz.png/ ]
* Install “The Sims 3; Outdoor Living Stuff” [Installed Error https://2img.net/r/ihimg/photo/my-images/191/unledoj.png/ I clicked OK and continued installation ]
> Update “The Sims 3; Outdoor Living Stuff” to version 7.3.2 [Update Error https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/851/unledwjz.png/ ]
* Install “The Sims 3; Generations” [Installed Perfectly ]

I copied the crack and I did play that appeared https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/6/unledfbv.png/ I clicked continue and entered in the game everything is ok?


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 19:15

Should be ok. As for the update errors, that is on your end, not because of the torrents. Perhaps its because you are using xp, who knows, I'm using windows 7 myself.


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 19:29

But the game works perfectly ?

How many cars you have in the generation ? Me only 2 again ,but how many cars are 2 or 4 .. I saw on YouTube that have 4 in generation.


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Tue 14 Jun 2011, 19:42

Identity wrote:But the game works perfectly ?

How many cars you have in the generation ? Me only 2 again ,but how many cars are 2 or 4 .. I saw on YouTube that have 4 in generation.

Yes, just press "Continue" on the pop-up that appears and then start the game from the taskbar.
If it loads up fine, there is no problem and you can play the game.

As for the car thing, I don't know about in-game stuff. Perhaps someone else can help you with that.
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 19:59

ok ty wm for help


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 19:59

There are only two new cars as far as I noticed. If someone said there was four they probably added a mod into the game.


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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 14 Jun 2011, 20:08

ok ty wm for help Favorlock

Admin edit: Problem solved, topic closed. Have fun playing! Wink



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Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Missing a lot in sims 3. [SOLVED]

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