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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Thu 14 Mar 2013, 00:46

Hello there, sorry to bother you but I've been having a few problems getting the Sims 3 to work properly. I seem to be getting a 0x0175dcbb error whenever I try and start it.

I've tried clean installing twice, manually deleting stuff left in the folders, and registry. (the wownode part and also searching the rest for 'Sims 3' just to make certain) I've installed once from a store bought copy of the base game once from a torrented copy. Each expansion is either Fairlight, Reloaded (about half and half) or G4W and not modded in any way as far as I can tell. (They came with seperate keygens and crack folders and were not part of any package) if it makes any difference, I can list whos is whos but University life and the 70s,80s and 90s expansions are G4Ws so the fixes should still apply if what I've read from searching is correct. Upon booting the games without the ultimate fix it'll attempt to load and then crash. When I install the fix I get the unable to start error.

I have all expansions installed apart from the Katy Perry stuffpack. I'm not sure if this makes a difference. Aditionally all games are installed to 'C:\Games\The Sims 3\.Expansion Pack name...' which as far as I know shouldn't cause any problems but I heard helps to stop too many problems with permission issues, just incase, it's also set to run as administrator. Checking the registry showed the Katy Perry pack as installed, which I removed as I thought it was causing the problems, but no luck. However some of the more recent expansions aren't showing-  Uni and 70s,80s and 90s.

I've tried reinstalling the manual patch again (even though I'm at the most recent one. Just incase something got corrupted, I've also redownloaded and reapplied the Ultimate fix, however I'm still getting the same issues. If I go back to the crack provided with the torrent I get a generic appcrash. (Which I can post if it'd be any use)

This is the 3rd time I've tried with different torrents and such, it's getting a little disheartening. I'd managed to get up to seasons working previously, however it was too crashy to play for any time so I gave up in the hopes there would be some kind of fix later. I've never had problems installing/playing from torrents before but this one seems just a little too complex for me to work out. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something incredibly stupid but I'm not quite sure what. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, especially if  you can work out exactly what stupid thing I'm doing as I'm dreading spending another 3 hours installing or a week or so downloading another torrent. (My net isn't the fastest out there, sadly)

Sorry for the length but I figured the more info that might be helpful the better. Thank you to anyone that reads this, I know you're all busy people (very busy by the looks it) and I appreciate any help at all.
Edited to add- Running on windows 7 32 bit, home premium, nvidia graphics, intel cpu. I can attach a dxdiag if that's needed too.


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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sat 16 Mar 2013, 21:55


Sorry for the late reply!
Unfortunately we were not able to get back to you in time. I'd like to apologize for that.

Do you still need assistance?
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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Sun 17 Mar 2013, 13:25

No worries about the reply, I'm sure you guys are super busy people. If it's possible to get some help it would be great, I've been holding off retorrenting anything just incase it can be fixed without. But I'll give anything a go. Smile


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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by Admin Sun 17 Mar 2013, 16:47


Let's see, what error do you get when you try to start the game via the Launcher? The "Error during Startup" error? If yes, please follow these instructions: www.games4theworld.forumotion.com/t6052-error-during-startup-see-log-for-more-details-fix
Watch the video very carefully and only do what is shown in the video, nothing else.
Good luck!
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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:58

Thank you guys!!!!Very Happy I've tried to fix my sims for 3 days and finally it works!!!!!! Thank you!!! Hammertime


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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

Post by J.T. Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:11

Thiria wrote:Thank you guys!!!!Very Happy I've tried to fix my sims for 3 days and finally it works!!!!!! Thank you!!! Hammertime

No problem! Glad to hear your problem is solved!

Feel free to ask any questions you want if you need assistance. Topic closed.
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0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED] Empty Re: 0x0175dcbb error when I try the ultimate fix (All EPs). [SOLVED]

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