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Burglar Empty Burglar

Post by Guest Sat 12 Oct 2013, 10:37

Why is my sim wont get into fight with burglar? My useless dog is also just following the burglar... 
Then i try with a alarm, the sims also do nothing ..


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Burglar Empty Re: Burglar

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 12 Oct 2013, 13:14

zzshin wrote:Why is my sim wont get into fight with burglar? My useless dog is also just following the burglar... 
Then i try with a alarm, the sims also do nothing ..


As far as I know (anyone correct me if I'm wrong), a sim needs the "Brave" trait to engage in a fight with burglars. But if you want a quick and "practical" solution, then do what I do in that case:

Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the cheat console. Now type testingcheatenabled true and hit enter. Then hold Shift and click on the burglar and choose the option "delete object" - this will remove the burglar.
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Burglar Empty Re: Burglar

Post by Guest Sat 12 Oct 2013, 18:11

There is a hidden trait to apprehend a burglar but you need a mod to unlock it. There are several of them out there. Me I just use Shimrod's zap gun mod to set them on fire.


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Burglar Empty Re: Burglar

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