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I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 03 Dec 2013, 07:52

Hii :3
I've been trying to install The Sims 3 and expansions. I've done the manual update (which I found I have to runs as administrator on windows 8 for it to open and work) AND the all-fix but still I cant get this right. I also re-downloaded both today. 

So far I've run into two errors:

When I try and launch the game through the launcher a box pops up saying: "Error: There was an error during startup. Please see the log for more details."

The second error is when I use TS3.exe or TS3W.exe to start the game. They bring up the error "Unable to start game. Service initialization failed (0x0175dcbb)"

At one stage I was able to launch and play the base game with no problems (obviously not updated at all). As soon as I try and patch and install expansions and crack them, I can no longer play.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by J.T. Tue 03 Dec 2013, 08:22

First of all, have you done steps 2-4 of the guide carefully after installing expansion packs/stuff packs: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly-must-read? If not, please follow the steps again.

If that doesn't help, you can watch this video:

Bear in mind that if your pc is 32-bit (go to Control Panel >> System and Security >> System if you don't know if your pc is 32-bit or 64-bit), go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >> Sims instead of the location shown in the video (the directory shown in the video is meant to be for 64-bit).

Try the solutions below unless the above methods doesn't work:

1. Go to Control Panel >> Uninstall A Program
2. Scroll down until you see The Sims 3 and the expansion packs/stuff packs.
3. If the symbols for the expansion packs is not shown correctly (namely not shown in normal Sims 3 logos), uninstall those that are not of "normal" symbols.
4. Reboot your pc afterwards to clear orphaned files.
5. Reinstall them.

If you cannot find such problem, you should read this: http://simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:TS3_Uninstall to proceed to clean reinstallation.

Last edited by J.T. on Wed 04 Dec 2013, 04:44; edited 2 times in total
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 03 Dec 2013, 09:02

Hi, thanks for taking the time to help me!
Originally I had The BlackBox Complete Collection, but uninstalled it a while back. After viewing the video you embedded, I can see that I have registries left over even though I've uninstalled the 'games'. Also, in Add/Remove program the files are still showing, but without the sims logo. I've tried to delete the registries demonstrated in the video but it wont let me. I also tried to uninstall the corrupt files in the Add/Remove and that's a no-go too. Any other suggestions?


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by J.T. Tue 03 Dec 2013, 10:40

Blackbox is the ultimate reason why you cannot install the games properly.

Please download Your Uninstaller Pro from www.games4theworld.org. Uninstall all of the expansions and the base game with Super Mode provided by the Uninstaller prior to uninstallation. Reboot your pc and then reinstall the base game and then the expansion pack/stuff packs.

After that, go ahead and do steps 2-4 of the guide: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly-must-read
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Tue 03 Dec 2013, 16:14

Nope, still not working. Same things happening. This is so frustrating D:


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by J.T. Tue 03 Dec 2013, 17:04

Please elaborate on your problem. What I want you to do is to give me detailed explanations on what you have done to initate a "clean reinstallation".
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 04 Dec 2013, 00:28

All the suggestions in the first post of yours; I've done. I also downloaded, installed and ran the uninstaller program. It removed the corrupt files in the add/remove but has left the registries when I tried to delete them in regedit. I get an error when I try to delete them.

I also uninstalled and re installed the base game and expansions, again. Ran the uninstaller program. Reinstalled, applied the patch and fix and still no-go Sad I get the same errors. I guess its those registries?

At this point, I'm thinking of just wiping my HD and starting over with a fresh slate if I cant find a solution.


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Wed 04 Dec 2013, 00:45


I only skimmed through this topic and I'll probably not be of any major help, but have you tried cleaning/clearing your registry with another program instead of Uninstaller Pro?

If it is, in fact, the registry entries tied to your past/present Sims 3 game, please try with CCleaner.  You can find the free download here.  You can torrent it via Piratebay if you want the extras, though the free version is great, too.

You can use that program to possibly clean and fix your registry by (once you download and install it) clicking on the tab within the program that says 'Registry' and then clicking 'Scan for Issues'.  Once it does its thing, click 'Fix Selected Issues...'.  Be sure to backup your registry, as it will prompt you.  Once its finished, restart your PC.  Smile

I can't promise it will fix anything, but it's worth a try.  Good luck!  The Sims Plumbob 1
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 04 Dec 2013, 01:32

That was one of the first programs I used to try and get rid of the registries. I forgot to mention that haha. It left them behind =/ thanks anyways.


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Wed 04 Dec 2013, 01:34


What error are you getting when you try and clean your registry?  I've never heard of anyone getting an error, unless of course there is a conflict of interest with you being or not being the administrator - at least, that is the only reason I can THINK of your PC giving you an error.

Anyway, can you please either screenshot the error or copy and paste what it says here?
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 04 Dec 2013, 01:48

I hate errors :( [SOLVED] 8787410

It also brings up an error when I try to change permission.


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Sephymuffins Wed 04 Dec 2013, 03:06


Unfortunately, I am a complete newbie when it comes to a computer registry.  This is clearly an error with your PC and not with your copy of The Sims 3 so we are going out of my "jurisdiction", unfortunately.  =(

I did find this website however:  http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2021860

I also found this article:  http://www.ehow.com/how_8143939_remove-sims-registry.html

Other than these two things, I'm unfortunately out of ideas.  Other moderators, Admins and helpers make be able to give you further assistance.  

Let us know how it goes.  Good luck!  The Sims Plumbob 1
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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 04 Dec 2013, 08:40

when you tried using CC cleaner did you select the leftover files that it detected? after it goes through the process of uninstalling it will check for left over files and keys and such and show them in a list you then have to select them all and tell the program to delete them. its the same way with Revo Uninstaller. it will default uninstall the program and then check for leftover files and keys and so forth. I am just wondering if perhaps you did not select those leftover files and keys?


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 04 Dec 2013, 11:28

Thank you all for your help!
In the end I just re-installed windows 8. Nothing I tried would get rid of those registries, even the suggestions you all gave. I can now install the sims 3 games and, hopefully, have no more issues. Again, thanks for taking the time to help me!


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I hate errors :( [SOLVED] Empty Re: I hate errors :( [SOLVED]

Post by J.T. Wed 04 Dec 2013, 14:17

Hello ChasingAiden,

That's good to know. Please let us know if you need any further assistance! Topic closed.
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