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World Adventures - Opportunities question

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World Adventures - Opportunities question Empty World Adventures - Opportunities question

Post by Guest Wed 13 Nov 2013, 11:40

Hey guys!

Thanks for the latest uploads on TS3 games Very Happy 

I've got a small little question to ask..

I've decided to only install the EP and SP I want because the contents from all the EP and SP might be too much for my laptop to handle. So I've decided to remove World Adventures since I seldom use my Sim to go overseas now.

So now I would like to ask, if I were to install without World Adventures EP, can my sims still receive opportunities in town? I have no idea where the opportunities started coming in/from which EP. And the opportunities can be quite rewarding sometimes so that's why I'm asking if it'll be affected.

Thanks in advance for the replies Smile 


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World Adventures - Opportunities question Empty Re: World Adventures - Opportunities question

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Thu 14 Nov 2013, 12:44


Yes, you will still receive opportunities Smile
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
G4TW SUPER Adminatrix
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World Adventures - Opportunities question Empty Re: World Adventures - Opportunities question

Post by Guest Fri 15 Nov 2013, 15:20

Thank you very much for the reply! (:


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