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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Mon 06 Jan 2014, 18:22


I have DL'ed the basegame, installed it and cracked it - And it's running fine.

Then I have downloaded the upgrade(TS3_1.63.5.0240xx_update), so I can install the DL'ed Island Paradise. After installation of Island Paradise and moved crack from Island Paradise to base game. I get an error with "Unable to start game - Service initialization failed(0x0175dcbb)" - The game is started from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3\

What did I do wrong?

I have also DL'ed Pets and Generations.


Helper Edit//

Further info:

I have followed the steps in the guide (https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly),
but at step 3, when I need to DL the ultimate fix, the mirror dosn't work. I have used the temporary linked, but that does not include a crack for Generations.

//You can edit your posts instead of double posting by using the Edit button above your original post. Please do so. Smile


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by invalidusername Mon 06 Jan 2014, 23:13

Try using the direct download link for the fix (This). I just tested that one, and it's working for me, on Chrome. Once you have that downloaded, apply just the #crack folder, following the instructions for it (the rest of the files in the fix are original files used for updating through the launcher). That should take care of your problem. Smile
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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Tue 07 Jan 2014, 16:33

Thanks for your reply invalidusername, and sorry for the reply thingy Smile 

That's the one I have used, when I tried several times. But if I understand you correct, I should only take the files from #crack folder(From the The Sims 3_FIX) and apply them to the The Sims 3(Base game), and after that use the #crack files from(All expansion packs released after and including Generations),and apply the crack to The Sims 3 Generation folder(?!) and then let the updater do the rest?



Step by step:

I have installed the base game, then I have installed the Generations part. Should I then use the crack files from the generation folder, and apply them to the base game first, and then use the The_Sims_3_FIX and apply the base game and then the All expansion part to generation and other added expansions?


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by invalidusername Tue 07 Jan 2014, 19:57

Actually the only folder you need to use is the one named "#crack" and you'll apply what's in it to the base game folder in program files. If you're putting them in the right spot you'll be asked to replace the files. 
G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix
Discharged with Honors

G4TW RETIRED Moderatrix Discharged with Honors

Windows version :
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Favourite games : The Sims, Assassin's Creed (All), Elder Scolls, Dragon Age : Origins, Harvest Moon, Mario, Zelda, Psychonauts, SimCity, House of the Dead : Overkill, Magic: The Gathering, Saint's Row, Civilization 5, The Witcher


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Wed 08 Jan 2014, 13:47

Thanks - But I should still install the expansions, in my situation, Generations, by extracting all files from The rar 'Generations', then run the 'Sims3EP04Setup' and move files from Generation #crack folder, to The Sims 3, base game?


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Fri 10 Jan 2014, 18:51

Yes, do like you said except the Crack part. You need only copy the files from the #Crack folder of the Ultimate Fix to the base game install folder, once again.


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Mon 03 Feb 2014, 17:12

GAH, my girlfriend is killing me slowly!

I have installed the base game, generations and Pets and added #crack folder from the ultimate fix(to the base game) - But when I open the game from the base game folder(TS3), none of the above mentioned updates are added, only able to play the base game.

What did I do wrong?

Thanks for the patience!

The total rookie, Dangerjoe


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Mon 03 Feb 2014, 18:39

Just checking, but it is not the folder you need to copy there but the files. And you need to be prompted whether you want to replace or duplicate, and you need to choose to replace.


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Mon 03 Feb 2014, 19:31

So when I have installed the base game, the generation, Pets and Island expansions(and more), I should copy the content to the expansion folders, from the difference downloaded expansions - And only copy the ulti #crack folder to the base game?

Thanks for your reply.


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Base game working, but then the rookie steps in! Empty Re: Base game working, but then the rookie steps in!

Post by Guest Tue 04 Feb 2014, 00:56

First Run the manual patch then...Just drag and drop the files in the #crack folder TW3W.exe and TSLHost.dll...Only the #crack folder not the expansion folders to c:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin....You should get a pop up asking you to replace the files just click yes and it will place them there...There is also step by step instruction's in the link below...



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