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Confused about "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment" want

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Confused about "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment" want Empty Confused about "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment" want

Post by Guest Sat 08 Feb 2014, 19:33


one of my sims' wants is to "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment". It's not one of the options on the Science Research Station so I assumed it was the Herb Experiment option. I tried that and I didn't fulfill the wish. Is it an option once your Science skill is really high or is it a glitch?


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Confused about "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment" want Empty Re: Confused about "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment" want

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 08 Feb 2014, 22:41

KitaTsuki wrote:Hi,

one of my sims' wants is to "Perform Herbal Medicine Experiment". It's not one of the options on the Science Research Station so I assumed it was the Herb Experiment option. I tried that and I didn't fulfill the wish. Is it an option once your Science skill is really high or is it a glitch?


Sometimes it can happen that sims get wishes that cannot be fulfilled 'immediately' - they might have to do quite a lot before they can fulfill it.

In your case, upgrade your science skill, and see if this option then shows up. But let us know.

Good luck !

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