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Strange EXE issue.

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Strange EXE issue. Empty Strange EXE issue.

Post by Guest Sun 16 Mar 2014, 17:12

:newfag: First off, thank you guys here a LOT for the work you did to put this all together. One of the few legit ways to get the games. Anyway, i have kind of a strange issue. I own the base game, high end loft stuff, and late night in origin. I downloaded every other expansion available and installed and skipped the crack folder in all of them. So now i have ALL expansions and stuff packs, applied the ultimate fix patch according to the instructions, but when i try to launch the game from the cracked exe it wont do anything at all. The same for the launcher exes. They do nothing. At all. YET, when i click play in origin it will bring up the launcher, my game is fully up to date, and let me click play. No problem. I mean, i can still play...but it's kind of strange how none of the exes work directly and i have to go through origin every time and i never get any invalid file issue. Any insight into this issue would be awesome. Until then i can still at least enjoy the game. Thanks Games4theworld!


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Strange EXE issue. Empty Re: Strange EXE issue.

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 18 Mar 2014, 15:31

MgARBITER wrote::newfag: First off, thank you guys here a LOT for the work you did to put this all together. One of the few legit ways to get the games. Anyway, i have kind of a strange issue. I own the base game, high end loft stuff, and late night in origin. I downloaded every other expansion available and installed and skipped the crack folder in all of them. So now i have ALL expansions and stuff packs, applied the ultimate fix patch according to the instructions, but when i try to launch the game from the cracked exe it wont do anything at all. The same for the launcher exes. They do nothing. At all. YET, when i click play in origin it will bring up the launcher, my game is fully up to date, and let me click play. No problem. I mean, i can still play...but it's kind of strange how none of the exes work directly and i have to go through origin every time and i never get any invalid file issue. Any insight into this issue would be awesome. Until then i can still at least enjoy the game. Thanks Games4theworld!

Hello and sorry for the delay,

For now, I can only suggest this here: 


Pay attention to step #4 in particular: the #crack of the Ultimate fix goes to the Origin base game location C:\Program files(x86)\Origin games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin. And you need to replace the existing files there, when you paste the two files from the #crack of the Ultimate fix.

Re-start the game with the TS3W.exe from that base game location I mentioned. Good luck for now !
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