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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Sun 30 Mar 2014, 00:51

I have the romanza ceremony set installed.  I have a mod to recolor the flowers but when I go in the game I don't have the option the recolor the flowers.  I asked the creator who created the mod and she asked if the set was purchased or obtained some other way.  I'm not sure what I can do to get the mod to work since I didn't buy the set from the store.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 01 Apr 2014, 05:35

Jadeskyee wrote:I have the romanza ceremony set installed.  I have a mod to recolor the flowers but when I go in the game I don't have the option the recolor the flowers.  I asked the creator who created the mod and she asked if the set was purchased or obtained some other way.  I'm not sure what I can do to get the mod to work since I didn't buy the set from the store.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


Are you sure the mod was properly installed ? In case of doubt, have another look at that guide here:


Next, go to My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 and delete the file scriptCache.package. Re-start the game then and see if anything improved. From my experience, the only other possible explanation left is that this mod does not work on "decrapified" .sims3packs. Very briefly, if you download/pirate .sims3packs, they are typically encrypted, so that you can't install them so easily. There are tools though that "unlock" these items so that they can be installed. During the unlocking process, it is possible that things can go "wrong", but that's not usually the case - it's rather rare. And some uploaders (like G4TW) already offer "unlocked" (= "decrapified") items, so you don't have to unlock them on your own.

That's all I can say, I guess. If it still doesn't work, you might just forget about this mod - or hope that the creator releases some sort of fix for that. I'm sorry I can't help more in this case.
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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Tue 01 Apr 2014, 19:34

Thanks for replying.  The mod was installed properly, because I didn't purchase the store set that's why it won't work.  There are several comments on the page about the mod and I seem to be the only one having this problem, so I can assume the issue is the content itself.  I used the decrapify option with the compressorizer but I'm still having the same problem.  Can I get the romanza store set from here?  Thanks so much.

Edit-  Thanks for the link.  I have 2 tools, one is called decrapify and the other is s3rc.  Would any of those unlock the set?  I guess I could try, probably can't hurt, it already does not work lol.

Last edited by Jadeskyee on Tue 01 Apr 2014, 22:56; edited 1 time in total


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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 01 Apr 2014, 21:53

Jadeskyee wrote:Thanks for replying.  The mod was installed properly, because I didn't purchase the store set that's why it won't work.  There are several comments on the page about the mod and I seem to be the only one having this problem, so I can assume the issue is the content itself.  I used the decrapify option with the compressorizer but I'm still haveing the same problem.  Can I get the romanza store set from here?  Thanks so much.

You are welcome. Smile  Yes, maybe the problem is indeed the source of your download. As for Games4TheWorld, look here:


But I don't think this item has been uploaded there already. If you cannot find something there, it means it hasn't been uploaded yet. The site is still "under construction", and I can't tell when it will be finished.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Smile  
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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by invalidusername Wed 02 Apr 2014, 18:21

Also, the way that the mod may work, if it's running fine for everyone else, and you didn't purchase the set, means that it probably wouldn't work for the set through us either. When a set is released by the store, it has some coding that is basically a lock, and when that lock is used by someone who bought it and the game, it works wonderfully. However, if someone who didn't purchase the item goes to use it, the game won't allow it, so basically what happens is people will purchase the item, and break the lock so that we can all use it. When this happens, sometimes mods and such won't recognize the item anymore, just because that one piece of coding is gone.
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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 04 Apr 2014, 01:45

Thanks, that does make sense.  The mod is to recolor the flowers from the store wedding set and also master suite, those flowers don't work for me either but I didn't buy that pack either so I won't be able to use this mod.  Thank you everyone for all of your help, I appreciate it. Smile


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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Fri 04 Apr 2014, 04:38

Jadeskyee wrote:Thanks, that does make sense.  The mod is to recolor the flowers from the store wedding set and also master suite, those flowers don't work for me either but I didn't buy that pack either so I won't be able to use this mod.  Thank you everyone for all of your help, I appreciate it. Smile

OK, can we assist you with anything else, or can I close the topic ? Smile 
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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

Post by Guest Fri 04 Apr 2014, 16:21

Thank you, you can close the topic. Thanks for all of your help. Smile

Mod edit: if you ever have another question, feel free to open a new topic. This one is closed now. Wink

- Carlos


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Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED] Empty Re: Can't recolor romanza ceremony flowers. [CLOSED]

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