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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by Guest Sun 09 Feb 2014, 20:44

Hi guys ! as u can see I'm new here so hello to everyone!
i have a problem ! i installed sims 3 base game after that i updated my game to version 1.50 ( i know its not that new but i ha this update downloaded long time ago) and my game updated successfully ! after that i download the latest ultimate fix from here and copied the dll and exe into the bin folder (note that i didn't copy any crack for game) i installed supernatural but when i try to open my game launcher there is a start-up error that says there was an error during start-up please see the log for more details . i even checked this forum and watched the video for help but when i install the sims 3 base game and supernatural and check the registry there are just sims 3 and sims supernatural so there is no other sims pack ! please help me Sad i don't know what to do anymore Sad


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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 09 Feb 2014, 23:35

Amber-Love wrote:Hi guys ! as u can see I'm new here so hello to everyone!
i have a problem ! i installed sims 3 base game after that i updated my game to version 1.50 ( i know its not that new but i ha this update downloaded long time ago) and my game updated successfully ! after that i download the latest ultimate fix from here and copied the dll and exe into the bin folder (note that i didn't copy any crack for game) i installed supernatural but when i try to open my game launcher there is a start-up error that says there was an error during start-up please see the log for more details . i even checked this forum and watched the video for help but when i install the sims 3 base game and supernatural and check the registry there are just sims 3 and sims supernatural so there is no other sims pack ! please help me Sad i don't know what to do anymore Sad


You cannot use the latest Ultimate fix with the game version 1.50. Wink  The latest fix is meant to be used with the LATEST base game patch version, 1.67.

So...have another look at this here and (re-) do the steps from #2 to #4: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

So download the latest manual patch in step #2, and then re-apply the latest Ultimate fix.

Good luck, and keep us updated ! Smile 
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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by Guest Tue 11 Feb 2014, 10:48

thanks I will do it and after i'll tell you the results ! but it may take time because my exams just started but thank u anyway Smile


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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 11 Feb 2014, 23:26

Amber-Love wrote:thanks I will do it and after i'll tell you the results ! but it may take time because my exams just started but thank u anyway Smile

No problem. Wink

But again: it's very important that you follow these "steps from #2 to #4" as precisely as possible, and do not skip anything ! In most cases, the game should work normally after that. This small guide I linked to basically shows the correct way of installing the games, using the "Ultimate fix" (crack).

You might get other problems though, like occasional crashes, freezes or lag problems, but that's another issue then.

Please keep us updated on your progress ! Smile
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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by Guest Sat 15 Feb 2014, 18:47

Hi again ! ok i downloaded the latest update patch and installed it on my base game (it was version 1.0) and after that i copied crack in to bin folder but after i ran my games first there was an error that said launcher couldn't connect to the EA download manager , but i have origin but it's not the latest version and it's not that old too! after i clicked ok on the screen and tried to play the game it said : the license limit for this product has been reached .please visit http:/support.ea.com to contact EA support for further assistance , what should i do? it looks like my base game isn't working at all Sad


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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 16 Feb 2014, 00:37

Amber-Love wrote:Hi again ! ok i downloaded the latest update patch and installed it on my base game (it was version 1.0) and after that i copied crack in to bin folder but after i ran my games first there was an error that said launcher couldn't connect to the EA download manager , but i have origin but it's not the latest version and it's not that old too! after i clicked ok on the screen and tried to play the game it said : the license limit for this product has been reached .please visit http:/support.ea.com to contact EA support for further assistance , what should i do? it looks like my base game isn't working at all Sad

Hello again,

Can you re-do steps #3 and #4 here ? https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t1171-must-read-how-to-install-the-sims-3-correctly

You need to focus on the two files that are inside the #crack-fodler of the Ultimate fix (TS3W.exe + TSLHost.dll). You need to copy + paste them into the base game location, which is usually C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin. And you need to replace all existing files (choose "copy and replace on all files, when prompted).

If your base game was purchades through Origin, then the location is
C:\Program files(x86)\Origin games\The Sims 3\Game\Bin.

Now, I suggest you do NOT use the launcher to start the game. Instead, go to your base game location and make a shortcut to the desktop from the TS3W.exe file. Use that shortcut only, to start the game. Smile  See if this works (normally, it should).

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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by Guest Fri 21 Feb 2014, 14:32

kay i will do it again but im sure i copied the crack correctly ! i will try again and will start the game from my base game location and will update u with news , thanks Smile


hi again sorry it took so long to response ! i did what u told me to do but when i click on at first it said that there was a problem with your internet connection make sure tht your internet connection is active and try later (something between these lines)
but when i tried again (all the time my internet connection was active) it said: the license limit for this product has been reached please visithtp://support.ea.com to contact ea support for further assistance. i even tried the ts3.exe too but it said: the game needs access to the internet in order to verify ownership of this game. please ensure that your computer is online and try again all the time Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Icon_sad


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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 30 Mar 2014, 23:06

Amber-Love wrote:kay i will do it again but im sure i copied the crack correctly ! i will try again and will start the game from my base game location and will update u with news , thanks Smile


hi again sorry it took so long to response ! i did what u told me to do but when i click on at first it said that there was a problem with your internet connection make sure tht your internet connection is active and try later (something between these lines)
but when i tried again (all the time my internet connection was active) it said: the license limit for this product has been reached please visithtp://support.ea.com to contact ea support for further assistance. i even tried the ts3.exe too but it said: the game needs access to the internet in order to verify ownership of this game. please ensure that your computer is online and try again all the time Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Icon_sad

This sounds very strange, and I haven't seen any other users with that issue. Try de-activating your anti-virus software completely, and re-do step #4 from here:


You need to make sure too that you actually OVERWRITE any old files (when you paste the #crack files from the Ultimate fix to the base game location, choose "copy and replace" for all files, when prompted). If the problem still persists after that, you might want to download and install TeamViewer, available here: 


You can then PM me your TeamViewer ID and password, after which I can (temporarily) take control of your computer. Don't worry, in TeamViewer you can end the connection at any time. We use this tool to provide more "individual support", if necessary. In your case, I'd like to have a look at that myself.

Another alternative would be that you completely un-install all Sims games and Origin too, re-boot the computer, and then re-install without this Origin client. 

Good luck again ! Smile 
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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by Guest Sat 28 Jun 2014, 11:48

sorry i had exams coming and i didn't have time for the internet !maybe it's because of my anti -virus , My anti-virus is Comodo and I never can disable it even for a short time ! it doesn't have that option ! i will try and tell u ! of course i know about team viewer and i have it i'll PM u when it doesn't work, thanx again !


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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 29 Jun 2014, 07:51

Amber-Love wrote:sorry i had exams coming and i didn't have time for the internet !maybe it's because of my anti -virus , My anti-virus is Comodo and I never can disable it even for a short time ! it doesn't have that option ! i will try and tell u ! of course i know about team viewer and i have it i'll PM u when it doesn't work, thanx again !

Did you buy your base game from Origin ? Newer base game versions require that you are "logged into" Origin..and the Ultimate fix from here (probably) doesn't work with those newer base games. In this event, you might consider un-installing your games, and tehn re-booting the computer.

After that, re-download all the games from here:


That's the only explanation I have, currently. Take your time for replying, if you need it. Smile 
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Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps! Empty Re: Cant install supernatural even after doing all the steps!

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