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Downloading The Sims 3 to a flash drive?

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Downloading The Sims 3 to a flash drive? Empty Downloading The Sims 3 to a flash drive?

Post by Guest Thu 11 Jun 2015, 20:16

Do you guys have any advice for installing The Sims 3 to a flash drive? 

I currently have a touchscreen Toshiba laptop (Toshiba Satellite Radius) with 1.88GB of RAM (doesn't sound like much). I already ran the SystemRequirementsLab.com test and it said my laptop would be able to run The Sims 3, but since I'm not downloading it via a purchased CD, I'm not sure if the test was accurate.

Do you guys think I would be able to install The Sims 3 to a flash drive or... does my computer not have enough space to run it at all?  Sad


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Downloading The Sims 3 to a flash drive? Empty Re: Downloading The Sims 3 to a flash drive?

Post by Sim Architect Thu 11 Jun 2015, 22:09

Hi there! How much of free internal storage do you have left (not the RAM, but the disk C: space available)?

You should be able to run it from an internal drive or a flash drive, but the performance should be quite low when you run the game from a flash drive, unless it is a high speed USB 3.0 one, but that can be done if you create a symbolic link on your operating system, forwarding your 'c:\program files (x86)\electronic arts" (or something like that) folder to a folder inside of your flash drive. I have done it and it worked ok in the past. Wink

Please, let's know if you got it running or if you need further assistance. In case you want, there's a video tutorial below on how to install The Sims 3 properly...

Tea 5 Tea 5

Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

Windows version :
  • Windows 10

System architecture :
  • 64 bits (x64)

Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Join date : 2012-03-10
Age : 45
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