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How to invite alien mother to the lot

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How to invite alien mother to the lot Empty How to invite alien mother to the lot

Post by Guest Fri 10 Apr 2015, 17:01

Hello, I discovered that it's impossible to invite alien mother (Senior Pollination Technician #3) to the lot or anywhere else - I figured that if I invited her I could kill her :blush:  because it was only her who impregnated my male sims - even her sons :-/

So - is there some way how to invite her (or how to kill her)? Or some existing mod/cheat, maybe something like the summoning plant in TS2?
I found that via cheats it's possible to add sim to the family, but I have to shift-click on the sim - which I can't do unless I see them somewhere or invite them...


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How to invite alien mother to the lot Empty Re: How to invite alien mother to the lot

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sat 11 Apr 2015, 19:46

Sandrate wrote:Hello, I discovered that it's impossible to invite alien mother (Senior Pollination Technician #3) to the lot or anywhere else - I figured that if I invited her I could kill her :blush:  because it was only her who impregnated my male sims - even her sons :-/

So - is there some way how to invite her (or how to kill her)? Or some existing mod/cheat, maybe something like the summoning plant in TS2?
I found that via cheats it's possible to add sim to the family, but I have to shift-click on the sim - which I can't do unless I see them somewhere or invite them...


Hello and sorry for the belated reply,

I haven't even gotten that far in the game yet.  Facepalm  But if that alien mother is an "NPC" (= non-playable character) then it might not be directly possible to invite this character, unlike "normal" sims. But then, maybe someone else has a better idea.

Other examples for "NPCs" are the grim reaper or the mailman/mailwoman. But let's see.
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How to invite alien mother to the lot Empty Re: How to invite alien mother to the lot

Post by Guest Sat 11 Apr 2015, 19:58

Carlos wrote:Other examples for "NPCs" are the grim reaper or the mailman/mailwoman. But let's see.

Thank you for your answer!
Well, but with mailman there is a difference - you can see them personally and click on them - so theoretically you can add them to your family through shift and click... You can't do that with this alien "mother" - you never see her.
That's why I was asking about some existing cheat which could help me call her, or invite her to the lot, something like the plant in The Sims 2.


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How to invite alien mother to the lot Empty Re: How to invite alien mother to the lot

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 12 Apr 2015, 21:01

Sandrate wrote:
Thank you for your answer!
Well, but with mailman there is a difference - you can see them personally and click on them - so theoretically you can add them to your family through shift and click... You can't do that with this alien "mother" - you never see her.
That's why I was asking about some existing cheat which could help me call her, or invite her to the lot, something like the plant in The Sims 2.

Sorry, but I don't know about a cheat for that. WhatDidUJustCallMe? 

At this point, you could use something like the "MasterController" of TS3 (but just for TS4 of course). With that mod, you could spawn almost anyone and anything, in TS3. But as there is nothing comparable for TS4 yet, we will have to see.
G4TW RETIRED Forum Gatekeeper

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