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Hello <3

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Hello <3 Empty Hello <3

Post by Guest Fri 24 Apr 2015, 17:27

Hello! ~^.^~ <3
 I just found your service whien looking for The Sims =)
I want to Thank you!, Forever, for what you are doing <3
You all are absolutely Amazing!!!
And I promise to support this site and this project whole heartedly <3

I own The Sims games (1,2,3 and 4), bought and paid for with my hard earned money. My issue is that I despise being forced to connect to an on-line server just to play a game -.-

After I installed TS3 and saw that I could play without even being connected to the Cable at all, I was taken breathless! <333

SOooo .. once again,
Thank you forever and Ever and EVER!!! <3

I am of course SEEDing ~^.^~
And very shortly I will be looking to click a "Buy you all a Cup of Tea" Button -.~

Chrystia Angelica


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Hello <3 Empty Re: Hello <3

Post by Admin Fri 24 Apr 2015, 21:37

Hello Alessa,

First of all, welcome to the Games4theworld Forum!
Thank you for your nice words, they are appreciated. Smile
You have a point; it doesn't make sense to connect to an online service, if you just want to play an offline game you paid for (with your hard earned money).

You're welcome! Never hesitate to contact us if you're stuck.
And hey, a "Buy Admin and the team a Cup of Tea 4 " button sounds like a darn good idea... ElDi's Seal
G4TW RETIRED Adminator
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G4TW RETIRED Adminator GΛMΣ MΛƧƬΣЯ / Forum Founder

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