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Sims 3 World Adventure Install Prob

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Sims 3 World Adventure Install Prob Empty Sims 3 World Adventure Install Prob

Post by Guest Sun 11 Sep 2011, 05:40

Well I am new to the whole Burn Mount and Crack idea however Im not computer dumb. In the installation guide I get to step 2 which is

2. Now open the Start menu. Type 'regedit' in the search box and press [ENTER]. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sims\The Sims 3 and double-click on 'SKU'. Change the shown
number to 2 and press 'OK'. Close the Register Editor.

Ok well #1 Sims isnt in my software folder.... which is weird... its actually in my mircosoft folder... I did a search for my sims folder and when i find it, I don't see any SKU. When i tried to do it anyways, it was in a different language and wouldn't let me install cause of my host region file. I've search the forums for a answer however I have had no luck.

Sims3 works perfectly without it, and i have no downloaded xpacs yet, this would be my first.

I'm sorry if i missed a fix to this on the forums.


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Sims 3 World Adventure Install Prob Empty Re: Sims 3 World Adventure Install Prob

Post by Admin Sun 11 Sep 2011, 12:05

ImNumBA-1 wrote:Well I am new to the whole Burn Mount and Crack idea however Im not computer dumb. In the installation guide I get to step 2 which is

2. Now open the Start menu. Type 'regedit' in the search box and press [ENTER]. Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sims\The Sims 3 and double-click on 'SKU'. Change the shown
number to 2 and press 'OK'. Close the Register Editor.

Ok well #1 Sims isnt in my software folder.... which is weird... its actually in my mircosoft folder... I did a search for my sims folder and when i find it, I don't see any SKU. When i tried to do it anyways, it was in a different language and wouldn't let me install cause of my host region file. I've search the forums for a answer however I have had no luck.

Sims3 works perfectly without it, and i have no downloaded xpacs yet, this would be my first.

I'm sorry if i missed a fix to this on the forums.

You should NEVER look for a registry path with something like "Electronic Arts" or "Microsoft" in it. It MUST only be called "Sims", nothing else.
Please try this: https://games4theworld.forumotion.com/t177-can-t-find-the-sims-3-sku-fix
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