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It comes into the neighbourhood map

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It comes into the neighbourhood map Empty It comes into the neighbourhood map

Post by Guest Thu 11 Jun 2015, 17:08

ı was using my Sims 4 since it release. I installed all the exp. packs and I wasn't have a problem. But then, I wanted to use gallery. I downloaded something from there. After that I can't play the game. I click to play on my household, the loading screen comes and after it goes to neighbourhood map again. I don't use antivirus programs and I already tried to uninstall and install it again. Also I tried the last ultimate fix but the problem still continues. What should I do?  Why. Help


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It comes into the neighbourhood map Empty Re: It comes into the neighbourhood map

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 11 Jun 2015, 19:43

WatashiwaKisu wrote:Hi!
ı was using my Sims 4 since it release. I installed all the exp. packs and I wasn't have a problem. But then, I wanted to use gallery. I downloaded something from there. After that I can't play the game. I click to play on my household, the loading screen comes and after it goes to neighbourhood map again. I don't use antivirus programs and I already tried to uninstall and install it again. Also I tried the last ultimate fix but the problem still continues. What should I do?  Why. Help

Hello again,

Thanks for opening a new thread. Smile  You see, the good thing is that this type of error can usually be fixed relatively easy. At first though, check your computer again: does it have any pre-installed anti-virus software ? Also, make sure to de-activate Windows Defender/Microsoft Security Essentials and also add the right exclusions to your Windows firewall. See this topic here:


I know it may look a bit difficult, but you only have to do this once. Smile  Ater that, please re-download the crack files from here:

Copy & paste those files (inside the .RAR) into C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Game\Bin. When prompted, overwrite the existing files. Then re-start the game, and see if that shows any improvement. 

Good luck for now ! It comes into the neighbourhood map Icon_smile  If you need more help with that, I'll try and help you via TeamViewer, but for now, try reading the guide that I posted before.
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