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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error Empty Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

Post by Guest Mon 09 Nov 2015, 14:16

my game contineously freeze since last three days.But before that game run smoothly.i deleted all cc contents but still game freeze.dnt take my command instantly.also show error code,failed to save-532:3875928652900944961:679180257487830205.
my home get dirty all the time.if i click clean up sims dnt clena up plates or dirty elements.my maid cant get in house .stays all the time outside.if ask to leave though maid do not leave.please help me.my game was smooth,now why is this happening?


-Sim Architect


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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error Empty Re: Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

Post by Sim Architect Wed 11 Nov 2015, 18:58

Hi! Sorry for my belated reply.

Please, try renaming your "The Sims 4" folder inside your "Documents" to something else, then run the game again (it will recreate that folder), and play a test.

If it works, there's a corrupted file in your "old" Sims 4 folder you just renamed, and you will need to try recovering your saves manually later, by copying them to the new saves folder inside your The Sims 4.

Let's know if it worked out or if you need further assistance. Thanks!

Tea 5 Tea 5
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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Favourite games : Plants vs Zombies, The Sims 3, Cities Skylines, The Sims 4


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Age : 45
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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error Empty Re: Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

Post by Guest Sat 14 Nov 2015, 20:32

Sim Architect wrote:Hi! Sorry for my belated reply.

Please, try renaming your "The Sims 4" folder inside your "Documents" to something else, then run the game again (it will recreate that folder), and play a test.

If it works, there's a corrupted file in your "old" Sims 4 folder you just renamed, and you will need to try recovering your saves manually later, by copying them to the new saves folder inside your The Sims 4.

Let's know if it worked out or if you need further assistance. Thanks!

Tea 5 Tea 5

Hi there!

I'm having a similar issue and tried your solution, it certainly changed the problem Razz

You can take a look at it in more detail here.


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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error Empty Re: Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

Post by Guest Sun 15 Nov 2015, 10:15

i uninstall game and then again install the game.now lets see the problem again arise  or not


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Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error Empty Re: Sims 4 game frezze and game saving error

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