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Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED]

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Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED] Empty Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED]

Post by Guest Wed 30 Dec 2015, 17:59

I cut and pasted the same reg key I used earlier when installing the game, but it's not accepting it to launch the game

Some notes about my installation:

-I did NOT install the download manager when asked (should I have?)

-The instructions didn't say one way or the other regarding typical vs. custom Install -- in my case I selected a Custom Install so I could install it in a different directory than the default one (was that wrong?)

-I'm using Windows 10 (will it work on my OS?) 

-I only installed the base Sims 3, none of the other content/ expansion packs.

-I'm launching the game from the desktop icon.  Which apparently calls "Sims3Launcher.exe"
The first thing that happens is it tells me it can't connect to EA download manager.  I think the first time it ran it told me there was a patch available, did I want to download it?  I selected no.  I also unchecked automatic updates.  

When I go into "installed content", nothing is listed.  When I select the blue colored play button on the left to launch the game.  That's when it asks me for the reg code, can't get past that part.

The version listed at the bottom of Sims Launcher is


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Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED]

Post by The_gh0stm4n Thu 31 Dec 2015, 01:10

luckylavs wrote:I cut and pasted the same reg key I used earlier when installing the game, but it's not accepting it to launch the game

Some notes about my installation:

-I did NOT install the download manager when asked (should I have?)

-The instructions didn't say one way or the other regarding typical vs. custom Install -- in my case I selected a Custom Install so I could install it in a different directory than the default one (was that wrong?)

-I'm using Windows 10 (will it work on my OS?) 

-I only installed the base Sims 3, none of the other content/ expansion packs.

-I'm launching the game from the desktop icon.  Which apparently calls "Sims3Launcher.exe"
The first thing that happens is it tells me it can't connect to EA download manager.  I think the first time it ran it told me there was a patch available, did I want to download it?  I selected no.  I also unchecked automatic updates.  

When I go into "installed content", nothing is listed.  When I select the blue colored play button on the left to launch the game.  That's when it asks me for the reg code, can't get past that part.

The version listed at the bottom of Sims Launcher is

Hello and welcome to the forum,

Unfortunately (?) you will need to install at least one (1) of the other expansions and stuffpacks for The Sims 3, to get the game working with the Ultimate fix. See steps 2 to 5 here:

Should you not want to install an expansion, then forget about this guide that I posted. Instead, use the "temporary fix" from this link:

And follow the included instructions there. After that, make sure to start the game only from the TS3W.exe (located in the default install location C:\Program files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin).

Good luck !
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Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED] Empty Worked!

Post by Guest Thu 31 Dec 2015, 16:43

That was it. All it needed at least one expansion pack.  Thanks much

Mod edit: problem solved, topic closed. Have fun !  Carlos is tha man

- Carlos


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Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED] Empty Re: Upon initial launch, game is asking for registration key. [SOLVED]

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