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Sims 3 BASE GAME Error with generated codes* NOT WORKING*

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Sims 3 BASE GAME Error with generated codes* NOT WORKING* Empty Sims 3 BASE GAME Error with generated codes* NOT WORKING*

Post by Guest Wed 19 Oct 2011, 08:26

Okay, soI have installed and uninstalled the sims 3 from games4theworld many times for friends, and before on my other computer. I have never had this problem before, though. Each time I run the "autorun" the game screen pops up, and it reads, "not a real version, purchase a real version blah blah blah" (Not in those exact words. ;]) Then an Active X (direct x whatever... and java) enabled warning appears, SOMETIMES...
Then a "Enter you Registration Code here" box appears, and I enter the generated code, more than one, but they dont work. They say, "Please carefully re-enter the entire code found either in your confirmation email, your game manual.product packaging, or game card." I have not seen this box before. It looks different to what I am used to entering the serial code in... What has changed? And what do I need to do now??? This is very confusing to me. Please inform me of the steps that I need to take to install the sims 3 again! I know how the installation guide says, and I know how to follow it, the problem is is that it is not working like it is supposed to!!! Like I said before, I KNOW how to install it usually but its not working this time... (My computer is fairly new, and I have never installed it on this one bbefore....)) It is a PC


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Sims 3 BASE GAME Error with generated codes* NOT WORKING* Empty Re: Sims 3 BASE GAME Error with generated codes* NOT WORKING*

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 19 Oct 2011, 08:48

Are you talking about the serial key or registration code? You wont find the registration code, its unique for each retail game.
You should be able to ignore a summons for a registration code. If its the serial, there must be some error when entering the code.
Try searching for a working serial using google.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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