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downloading all sims 3 expansion packs

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downloading all sims 3 expansion packs Empty downloading all sims 3 expansion packs

Post by Guest Thu 04 May 2017, 21:20

hello, I was looking to download sims 3 along with all of it's expansion packs and i noticed you have to do it one by one. Is there a way to download them all together or is this the only way? No worries if it is, just a long process since it has to extract and then run Sad


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downloading all sims 3 expansion packs Empty Re: downloading all sims 3 expansion packs

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Fri 05 May 2017, 09:38

//Topic moved.


Welcome to the forum.
We also have a "complete collection" that has all of the expansions here.
If you're going to want to use all of the expansions though, you may be better of with @Tarac's download. It can be found here, at the bottom of the downloadslist. With that one, however, you can't let any of the EP's or SP's out. You will also need PowerISO. So if you decide that you can't or don't want to run all of it, you may have to get ours.
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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downloading all sims 3 expansion packs Empty Re: downloading all sims 3 expansion packs

Post by Guest Fri 05 May 2017, 10:41

Ɛɗιη wrote://Topic moved.


Welcome to the forum.
We also have a "complete collection" that has all of the expansions here.
If you're going to want to use all of the expansions though, you may be better of with @Tarac's download. It can be found here, at the bottom of the downloadslist. With that one, however, you can't let any of the EP's or SP's out. You will also need PowerISO. So if you decide that you can't or don't want to run all of it, you may have to get ours.
After installation of the full pack, you can of course remove unwanted expansions.
Yes, for my download (14 GB) you need Poweriso instead of Winrar.
Extracting large downloads ( such as the G4TW for the sims 3 of 27,7 GB)  with Winrar can be pretty lengthy, it takes more than an hour. Mounting in Poweriso takes less than 10 seconds.


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downloading all sims 3 expansion packs Empty Re: downloading all sims 3 expansion packs

Post by Guest Fri 05 May 2017, 20:57

oh okay, thank you so much! I've started G4TW's sims 3 base game but i'll just uninstall that and start over. I don't mind having all of them so that won't be a problem!
edit: im not really familiar in poweriso, what am i supposed to mount exactly?
nvm got it tysm


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