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Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue

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Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue Empty Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue

Post by Guest Wed 01 Nov 2017, 17:10

So a vampire in my game was abducted and had a child that came out as a hybrid. However, this is not allowed in the game so there are a couple issues. It is forever in it's default mode and I cant get to dress her as it resets. I googled and I found out there was a patch to fix this. Since my game is pirated do I get this patch automatically or do i have to wait for the next update to get the patch, which would be the cats and dogs update. OR do we not get patches and i just have to live with it?

Thanks in advance.

 Sorry if I post this in the wrong place...really was sure where to go. Noob


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Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue Empty Re: Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue

Post by Guest Wed 01 Nov 2017, 17:19

Have you also installed:
Toddler Stuff?

Is your game-version 1.38 ?


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Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue Empty Re: Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue

Post by Guest Wed 01 Nov 2017, 19:28

I have all of those game packs 

This is what I see in my game version file


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Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue Empty Re: Alien/Vampire Hybrid Issue

Post by Guest Fri 03 Nov 2017, 10:28

Ally_Tee wrote:So a vampire in my game was abducted and had a child that came out as a hybrid. However, this is not allowed in the game so there are a couple issues. It is forever in it's default mode and I cant get to dress her as it resets. I googled and I found out there was a patch to fix this. Since my game is pirated do I get this patch automatically or do i have to wait for the next update to get the patch, which would be the cats and dogs update. OR do we not get patches and i just have to live with it?

Thanks in advance.

 Sorry if I post this in the wrong place...really was sure where to go. Noob
Hi @Ally_Tee ,

Do you happen to know which patch fixes the bug? Currently ours (G4TW) is 1.33 and legit/ZLOrigin is at 1.35. If say the patch that fixes this is 1.34/1.35 then unfortunately, you need to wait for the Cats and Dogs update, OR use the ZLOrigin to update your game instead. You can read more about it at the topic below:


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